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A couple of images and suggestions
Administrator  Posts: 895
Mar 20, 2022 11:50
You are right, the Sky+Environment tag supports only spherical lattitude/longitude HDRI mapping, it doesn't support mapping to camera space like tha Background object. That would be easy to modify.
At the moment background mapping can be implemented using a workaround e.g. using a plane object with material with you background and this plane object is placed in front of camera and reacts to camera movements. I think it's possible to do this with scripts but some extra skills would needed. Anyway I have to do it in a simpler way :)
ssjenforcer wrote:
Also, were you able to reproduce the shadow catcher bug with Area and spot lights?
I assume there is still work to be done with light settings?
I have replied in that topic. Not a bug, but a specific detail of light shape. Actually I need to make light includes/excludes from illuminating the objects.
CentiLeo Chat:
Shadow composite not having same shadows as scene.
Administrator  Posts: 895
Mar 20, 2022 11:42
Actually this is the right finding that shadow catcher weights only for Omni, Infine lights sources and Sky+EnvMap tag.
The others lights like Area and Spot don't support casting to the shadow catcher because they have limited directional lighting, e.g. they don't lit the scene behind them. This would create unneceassary shortcomins.
On the other hand the Omni light is good, you can place it somewhere and tune the radius to get the neceassary postion and shadow softness.
Also why your shadow catcher object plane is so small? Usually it should be larger.
CentiLeo Chat:
A couple of images and suggestions
Administrator  Posts: 895
Mar 17, 2022 16:02
Hi ssjenforcer, sorry for some long reply.
Actually I see you want to fine tune the defaul light intensity multiplier when creating the light object. Also the undo/redo not working for light sources. I will check how to fix that.
ssjenforcer wrote:
'set as default' does not apply the default setting to the centileo light object
Yes, this button works for the settings of the Cinema light source object only without considering the tags.
ssjenforcer wrote:
Also, are there plans to make the C4D background and sky objects work, so that textures can be easily mapped for backgrounds?
Do you want to apply materials to Sky object in way this is done in C4D? Currently it only works using CentiLeo environment tag - in the past I thought it was more convenient. Although there is still no Background object support. I think there will be some reconsiderations. Thanks for suggestion!
CentiLeo Chat:
Purple is made into blue using centileo shader?
Administrator  Posts: 895
Mar 17, 2022 15:54
These are correct settings. I still get same results using color editing on my side. May you attach a scene file that reproduce the issue?
CentiLeo Chat:
Purple is made into blue using centileo shader?
Administrator  Posts: 895
Mar 8, 2022 06:31
Did you change teh color space in project settings to something not default?
Please, can you send me the file? I can't reproduce for my case.
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo lights, how do they work? I cannot make them more intense, Lights not able to brighten in IPR
Administrator  Posts: 895
Mar 6, 2022 14:01
Leo Allan wrote:
Make sure to have youe CentiLeo Light source have the centileo light source tag. Furthermore, you can edit the overall multiplier and the gamma settings to change the level of light.
Exactly, however these tags are added automatically if the light source is created using CentiLeo menu available at the top line of C4D menu.
CentiLeo Chat:
How to composite using Linear Workflow, and how to render multipass correctly
Administrator  Posts: 895
Feb 28, 2022 20:54
ssjenforcer wrote:
I actually always had Send Raw AOVs checked after you told me before that helps to match the IPR and render gamma, I believe.
The "Send Raw AOVs" option is needed only when you need to output the raw (gamma=1) HDR image without any tonemapping (or postprocessing).
By default this option is off and the tonemapping is applied, but again the tonemapping can be enabled/disabled in post processing with Enable checkbox.
Usually this Raw output is needed when you later modify the image in After Effects or whatever.
ssjenforcer wrote:
What about Shadow pass? Is that possible to have separately as well like other beauty passes?
I am trying to use the alpha channel but it doesn't allow me to control the shadow. The diffuse layer also has the shadow from my shadow catcher plane, and I can't find a way to control its intensity using the extractor effect. Because the diffuse also has the shadow there is always a shadow connected to my diffuse that I cannot control the intensity.
Ok, we need to develop the decomposition of the current passes into more building blocks.
ssjenforcer wrote:
The diffuse layer also has the shadow from my shadow catcher plane, and I can't find a way to control its intensity using the extractor effect.
At the moment you can change the weight of the shadow catcher intensity (vs shadows coming from the other light sources) using the "Matte shadow Weight" option in CentiLeo light tag for Omni/Directional light sources. There is also the similar option inside CentiLeo Environment tag
CentiLeo Chat:
Any way yet to create atmosphere?
Administrator  Posts: 895
Feb 27, 2022 22:36
As far as I remember CentiLeo follows the native camera settings quite well and DOF should be ok. Motion blur should be tested but I hope it will merge nicely for such combinations. Anyway this adds extra render time. So need to enhance to more features
CentiLeo Chat:
How to make volumetic lights?, How to make volumetic lights?
Administrator  Posts: 895
Feb 27, 2022 22:33
Oh no, I have to make volumetrics asap to avoid all these double render tricks :D
CentiLeo Chat:
Gradient textured lights
Administrator  Posts: 895
Feb 27, 2022 22:32
This glass around a light source use some quick skip of rays through the pure glass. The recolor may help, but changing transmission roughness to quite large values may change the noise amount in some gradual way. But it works with the least noise amount on low roughness values.
CentiLeo Chat:
Texture issues, Texture not rendering correctly
Administrator  Posts: 895
Feb 27, 2022 22:28
Maybe using X-Particles for the droplets? They have quite more physical effects there. We support them using all the particle physical attributes
CentiLeo Chat:
CPU texture cache in render preferences
Administrator  Posts: 895
Feb 27, 2022 22:18
No the cache files on disc are created for all textures you reference in the scene. This is unlimited. However the CPU texture cache is the size of memory block in RAM that is used to store the required texture parts in CPU RAM memory for faster downolad to GPU on demand. This helps to avoid loading from disc space so frequently. Larger CPU cache can be better but larger and larger size will give less extra improvement.
Without this cache we would load the textures every time to CPU and get a huge RAM memory consumption for large scenes. But with a cache we may keep them on disc and get lightweight use of RAM and leave space for some other tasks.
This article shows how it works:
And this article shows how it looks in practice:

PS: I have moved the question to the extra topic
CentiLeo Chat:
How to composite using Linear Workflow, and how to render multipass correctly
Administrator  Posts: 895
Feb 27, 2022 22:10
CentiLeo multi-pass is not enabled from there. These passes are enabled from Centileo render settings -> AOVs Tab. There are checkboxes to produce extra images. Btw there are no yet distribution for direct/indrect passes, but it will be easy to add this.
To make the output linear, i.e. without post-effect enabled you can either disable the post effects from IPR or go to Centileo render settings -> AOVs Tab and check "Send RAW passes to the Picture Viewer (gamma = 1).
CentiLeo Chat:
Texture issues, Texture not rendering correctly
Administrator  Posts: 895
Feb 25, 2022 21:25
Thanks for sharing the images! Btw, I like the look of the icecubes you did. However there is probably needed to improve the water droplets on the bottles, they are too spherical :)
CentiLeo Chat:
Gradient textured lights
Administrator  Posts: 895
Feb 25, 2022 21:22
I think the projection you are talking about is based on directional textrure mapped to the light source. However CentiLeo emission material texturing is currently used only for changing the area of the emissive surface with different colors and intensities. We need to add this features. However, I would also give a try to some workaround:
1) Create an object with clear glass material (roughness = 0) around your light source.
2) Add a texture to the color of Transmission.
This way you will be able to get a projected pattern you like to on the walls. And the render speed will be quite good too.
CentiLeo Chat:
Any way yet to create atmosphere?
Administrator  Posts: 895
Feb 25, 2022 21:18
No, I don't think it will normally work this way. We need to implement it, it's on a roadmap. I think after finishing the current release there will be much easier to add such small features as that
CentiLeo Chat:
png alpha issue, texture issue
Administrator  Posts: 895
Feb 25, 2022 07:19
thrimanakatha wrote:
Thanks, I forgot the alpha toggle for Centileo. Recently I was working in Blender and used the same workflow.
It's like a default way of doing things in C4D itself :) So there are some material channel settings and there is a toggle to on/off it with a single click.
CentiLeo Chat:
Does hair work with centileo? I cannot get any hair to render.
Administrator  Posts: 895
Feb 24, 2022 21:48
Shortly, the closest updates will get the following:
0.65 will get acceleration for render time and scene compilation (a lot of work also including quality and memory improvement)
0.66 will get native hair and spline support
0.67 will get material converters initial support
CentiLeo Chat:
A couple of images and suggestions
Administrator  Posts: 895
Feb 24, 2022 21:31
Oh very cool it works for you! I believe the texture uvw manipulation in CentiLeo is more powerfull than in Octane. However we need to add programmable shaders to make this statement more complete :)
CentiLeo Chat:
Texture issues, Texture not rendering correctly
Administrator  Posts: 895
Feb 24, 2022 21:26
thrimanakatha wrote:
Sure, I sent the scene but with a different bottle.
Icecubes, water and hdr is packed with c4d and blender scene.
Hello! I have checked your file and have fixed few material settings that I think are right now. Have a look at my screenshots and material settings. It seems the ice looks nice now. I have fixed the colors: transmission color is white, but absorption is not white and distance is smaller, check it. Also the Clamp params of render settings are increased. Also the icecubes have "Is Liquid" setting Off. For some fun I have switched on the top light source. Sorry for long waiting for reply, I was extremly overloaded with new version development :)

Water material:

Ice material:

CentiLeo Chat:
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