Displacement Mapping

To setup displacement mapping a texture should be connected to the slot of the Output material.

Displacement Mapping is implemented as a pre-processing stage before scene rendering. All the scene objects with displacement mapping are tesselated finely into micro-triangles using Displacement settings of the Output material. Displacement of the surface is applied to vertices of tesselated micro-triangles. However all of this is done using GPU, it's a very fast stage and efficient for memory storage spending around 10 bytes per micro-triangle.

When Interactive Preview Render (IPR) is used then a button "Tess" should be manually clicked every time the displacement mapping, tesselatation options or camera position are changed. 

tesselate3.png Manually update tesselation and displacement for all objects with enabled displacement with respect to the current camera position.

This command is manual because it adaptively evaluates new geometry state for different camera position and it would be costly for real-time reactions. But the processing responds nicely and quickly for manual tesselation request.

