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Falling Gold Coins
Testing the speed of Centileo
I did some test with Centileo recently. The coin renders were pretty fast on my GPU (GTX 1660) with all reflection and depth of field turned on.
Render time is around 15 sec/ frame.

Watch the video at (I can't embed the video here)

Though I did some adjustments in the render,
No displacement used
Max iteration= 1
Ray bounce = 4
Denoise image= on

Scene contains
hdr =1
light- 3
400 instanced coins with 6904 poly face.
Depth of field =1
coin0126.jpg (484.43 Kb)
Edited: thrimanakatha - Jan 15, 2022 01:32
Administrator  Posts: 943
Jan 15, 2022 05:17
Hi thrimanakatha, thanks for posting the example! I think you can also try the motion blur for animation. It can be enabled in render settings in the camera tab.
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