Motion Blur [update]

Motion Blur is the effect of the image blur that happens because the scene animation is performing too quickly while the animation frame is being recordered to the image.

To setup this effect it's necessary to go to CentiLeo Render Settings -> Camera -> Motion Blur menu and set Enabled flag to be On.

The Shutter interval (Begin/End) values determine the local time range of motion blur effect activity with respect to the rendered frame. For example the animation with 30 frames per second rate has 1/30 sec (33.3ms) time interval between the frames. And this 1/30 sec interval corresponds to the shutter interval [0..1] setting.

To capture this effect during render stage CentiLeo records the scene geometry at different time points (keys) for each rendered frame in a scene pre-process stage. 

Transformation keys setting controls the number of times the transformation matrices (instance coordinates) of scene objects are recordered and used to capture motion blur effect for moving objects. The higher value takes more compute and storage resources but helps with more precise motion blur capturing especially for quick and non linear object motion.

Deformation flag can enable the motion blur effect for objects with deforming internal primitive coordinates. It's using just two geometry records for two time slots. However it's important that the face count (polycount) remains the same between the frames to capture this effect correctly.


Velocity Motion Blur

Sometimes complex simulations produce geometry with variable face count which disables deformation motion blur within the object shape. However if velocity vectors are also produced by simulator this effect may be enabled. In this case it's needed to add CentiLeo Object Tag to the object and link velocity tags to velocity slots under Motion blur menu of the Object tag. Some simulation engines produce Velocity as vertex color tag and it should be linked to Velocity3D channel in Object Tag. In other cases the velocity vector is splitted to 3 separate vertex map channels and they all should be linked to Velocity X, Y, Z channels. See example below.


Motion Blur for Curves

Sometimes variable point count simulations for spline / curve or line objects may disable deformation motion blur for curves. This may be the case for trails, mograph tracers. In this case curve resampling option in CentiLeo Object Tag may produce the constant vertex counts per spline and enable deformation motion blur for these primitives.
