Environment HDRI
To setup High Dynamic Range Image lighting the native Cinema 4D Sky object should be used with a combination of CentiLeo Environment Tag that has a couple of useful extra properties.
Envmap Filename determines the path to the high dynamic range image that generates the outdoor lighting for the scene. It supports texture streaming to VRAM in case the HDR image is very large similar to bitmaps.
Light pass setting assigns this light source to the output render image AOV with the corresponding id. These AOVs should be enabled in render settings. This is useful for changing the lighting in post production.
Background Shadows (Matte / Shadow Catcher). To generate shadows on top of a background image the background HDRI image should be set for Sky object using CentiLeo Environment Tag. Then the ground plane object should be placed below the scene objects and the new material should be assigned to this with Shadow Catcher flag enabled (see this on the right).
Matte Shadow Weight option changes the sharpness of shadows casted on the ground object with enabled shadow catcher / matte flag. The same option can be used for parallel / infinite (direactional) or omni (sphere) light source types.
Overrides can be used to assign different Sky objects (each with CentiLeo Environment Tag) to affect different material layers. But these override Sky objects should be below this control sky object in the scene hierarchy.
The override for Camera channel can change the picture of the bacground image and all the other illumination and ground plane shadows will remain the same. The override for Matte Shadow slot changes only the shadows picture, softness and shadow direction that are casted on the ground plane leaving all the other effects the same.
Sometimes it's needed to generate a transparent background instead of HDRI background picture. This can be enabled using Transparent background flag inside CentiLeo Render Settings -> AOVs / Passes.
The alpha channel with shadows casting on the alpha channel can be enabled with Alpha channel flag in the same settings page as transparent background.
Environment Tag
Ground Plane Material
HDRI Lighting
Background and Shadows
Transparent Background
Alpha channel