Emission Material
The light sources with the custom geometry may be generated using any arbitrary scene geometry object and assigning CentiLeo Emission Material.
Light pass setting assigns this light source to the output render image AOV with the corresponding id. These AOVs should be enabled in render settings. This is useful for changing the lighting in post production.
Importance sampling option is needed when this light source is used a one of main light sources of the scene and shed the light to many other objects. However this option should be disabled if the lighting influence of this object is very local, not bright and is used as labels or small indicators.
Occlude other lights option enables / disables occlusion of other light source emission by this light source. This option in combination with the textured light geometry can be used for background image placement in front of camera.
Scale / Color Tint options allow to change the color and intensity for different receiving material layers and exclude the lighting from the camera or some layer visibility partially or completelly. Also try to combine this with Occlude other lights flag.
It's also possible to modify the intensity for direct / indirect lighting component.
When working in Interactive Preview Rendering mode and Emissive object is added for the first time to the scene it may be needed to manually reload the scene to get proper illumination.