CentiLeo has several nodes to setup and manipulate the texture coordinates in an arbtrarty way of connections: UVW Projection, UVW Transform, UVW Distort.
The texture coordinates are needed to map the texture such as Bitmap, Noise, Pattern, Flakes, Scratches to the surface of the 3D object. If no any UVW node is used then default texture tag projection for material assignment tag is used.
Default projection. If the node has no any connection to UVW slot the default texture coordinate projection is used. In fact the default projection is coming from Material Tag (former Texture Tag) that is used to assign material to the object natively in Cinema 4D. Currently CentiLeo supports the mapping types, repetition U/V and coordinate manipulation settings that can be used to setup texture projection visually using Cinema 4D viewport gizmos.
The UVW Projection node can generate procedural texture coordinates such as Cubic, XYZ, Flat mapping, Spherical, Cylindrical, Spatial based on local scene object 3D coordinates and Material Tag coordinates. The UVW projection node can setup the coordinate frame size, offset and orientation needed to generate procedural texture coordinates of selected type. Tiling options setup the configuration of texture tiling or "no tile" if we need to place the texture only once without repetitions.
The UVW Projection can also select the UVW Mapping tag as texture coordinates. CentiLeo supports up to 20 UVW Mapping Tags that can be modelled with sophisticated tools and assigned to any object in Cinema 4D. UVW Mapping ensures explicit storage of texture coordinates per polygon vertex.
The UVW Transform node can manipulate several tilling options for texture coordinates, including offset, scale, rotation, texture coordinate tiling mode.
The UVW Distortion node is useful to generate noise distortions to texture coordinates which can be useful to generate abstract images and interesting procedural noise functions. This node is also useful for Scratches bending.
UVW output port of UVW projection / transform / distortion generates the texture coordinates that are needed for mapping and it should be connected to Input UVW port.
UVW Mask generates the white color for regions of generated texture coordinates and black for not generated. Sometimes the Material Tag option of Repetitions U / V can restrict the repeats of texture tiles. Restriction of tiling can be also done using "no tile" option of Tiling Mode U/V/W settings for UVW Projection and UVW Transform nodes. The regions where textures should exist will generate the white color for this UVW Mask output port. For example if the option "no tile" is selected then the texture coordinates become invalid out of the main region of texture coordinates. The main region of texture coordiantes is determined in the [0..1] tex coordinate range.
It should be also noted the the nodes such as Bitmap / Noise / Flakes / Scratches / Pattern have out-of-uvw parameter to setup the color for regions with not generated texture coordinates.
The UVW nodes can be comined with each other using Input UVW slot which is present in respective nodes.