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The list of wishes (after using 0.40 and 0.41)
suggestions, opinions and wishes
User  Posts: 7
Aug 15, 2016 21:43
Here are some suggestions i hope U, guys, will fix or implement in future versions of CentiLeo.

1) Faster speed with many light sources (if it's possible, the difference between 20 and 100 light is noticable)

2) UVW mapping – no effect in Frame Buffer – FIX FIX FIX! Please)

3) Dirt shader!!!

4) Spot base shape selector (not only disc).

5) Bidirectional IES

6) Spherical camera

7) Shaders display in viewport (think it's a huge bug, please fix)

8 ) Resource Collector <=== (operating with a scene with a lot of textures is quite embarassing now)

9) Frame Buffer sees objects hidden in viewport - BUG!

10) Lights are not clipped for near/far clipping - BUG?

11) Multi-texture shader

12) Optimize GUI MultiMat material

13) ForestPack!!!

14) Disabled lights should be black, not removed at all!

So, here are some desirable thing and big bugs i've found (small ones are not listed). I'll try to update the list in future! Best of luck! ;)
Edited: Bakha - Aug 16, 2016 01:47
Sami Timkala
Guest  Posts:
Aug 16, 2016 07:07
Hi Bakha, thanks for wishes.

#12 is in 0.41 btw, check it.
#14 - the idea was to remove lights completely, but if you want to remove them making black then just make zero intensity. When we have the light lister it will be much easier.
#8 - it will probably be our own resource collector for cntlTexture and cntlProxies. Right now 3ds max doesn't even see resources from not-own shaders (even from the other renderers). But it is possible to edit paths to CentiLeo resources in Max asset tracker.

Working on the other things (all of them). Eg, UVW mapping need a lot of more investigation.
  • fast skin shader
  • deformation motion blur
  • c4d xpresso evaluation in shadern
  • denoise
  • OpenVDB
Edited: Christoph - Aug 31, 2016 12:25
Sami Timkala
Guest  Posts:
Aug 31, 2016 13:13
Hi Christoph, welcome here!

We will do all of that and deformation motion blur is the first out of your list.

As for denoiser then we will first optimize existing unbiased solution. There is a very good resource to make it much faster. And when most of our list in this area will be done then we will work on denoiser which is an interesting opportunity too.

As for skin shader - have you seen that we have 3 multiple-scatter SSS layers? With weight, color and radius for each layer. However, SSS not yet fully optimized, but the chances are good here.
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