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CentiLeo for 3ds Max 0.471 available (quality & materials improvement)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 24, 2016 21:47
Hello everyone!

Merry Christmas to those celebrating it today!

CentiLeo 0.47 alpha for 3ds Max 2014-2017 is available.

It has a lot of quality improvements. Post-processing contrast adds nice image feeling. While most work was spent for material behavior improvement and bugfixing. Really many things were polished in cntl std material.

Download here:

Recommendation to increase render speed:

Shaderball scene:

Light lister script by Ali Kavyani:

Change Log: cntlmax 0.471 alpha (2016 Dec 31)

[core] Improved render speed for scenes with many lights and rough reflections
[core] Improved render speed for bump mapping on polished surfaces (with roughness close to zero)
[core] Fixed fireflies in few situtations
[cntlmax] Fixed crash when click “View Image” in cntlTexture and go up.

Change Log: cntlmax 0.470 alpha (2016 Dec 25)

[core] Added post-processing contrast setting. 0.5 by default, it makes the image more realistic
[core] cntlStdMaterial: glossyness usage as alternative to roughness (if checked then roughness is replaced with glossyness and treated accordingly).
[core] cntlStdMaterial: weight*color mixing mode similar to other engines
[core] cntlFalloff: parallel falloff mode
[core] Faster many-bounce internal reflections inside complex glass object.
[core] Roughness remapping. Now all the range 0..1 is more interesting unlike before when most interesting values were close to zero.
[core] Many bugfixes for material behavior when roughness is changed. Now the highlights are changing smoothly for small change of roughness.
[core] Fixes environment map brightness when seen through reflection
[cntlmax] Post-process can be performed when render is paused

Enjoy rendering with CentiLeo and share your opinion!

CentiLeo Chat:
thx for your work, merry Christmas. :)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 31, 2016 11:23
Thanks and here is reply:

Released 0.471 with few fixes primarilly related to noise reduction.

Happy New Year! :)
CentiLeo Chat:
Hi Kirill,
Thank's for the updates.
hope you add oren nayer diff model in CentiLeo material.
Is there any chance for this?
Edited: Ali Kavyani - Jan 14, 2017 08:41
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jan 14, 2017 11:27
Hi Ali!
It's already added. Here is the difference between 0.47 (top) and internal 0.48 version (bottom). Everything is diffuse. 0.48 has Oren Nayar diffuse with roughness=0.4

CentiLeo Chat:
Love the looks of 0.48
Absolutly fantastic.
Thank's Kirill.
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