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Tracked footage slows rendering to a crawl
100% resampling 4K
I had a 10 second 4K clip and tracked it using c4d and set resampling to 100%.
when I rendered it gets to 0.5 iterations very fast (I set it to 1 iterations to test how it looks at first) and then it struggles to get to 1 iteration on the first frame.

I tried turning down the resampling to 30% and it rendered fine.
I think it was because at 100% it used 2 GB of ram.
however, I don't understand why this affected my render considering centileo uses gpu, and I have 64 GB of system ram.

I tested it twice and got the same results.
It could be a c4d bug or centileo. I am not sure.
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jan 10, 2023 13:45
It seems to be a CentiLeo bug.
0.5 iterations is progressive stage that shortly shows the whole picture. Then it works as buckets until 1.0 iterations and all the others are also buckets.
Does this issue always reproduce? Can you send me a minimum test example for fixing?
I have fixed a lot of things already since last release and maybe this issue is also fixed but I am not sure.
The new version is coming soon.
CentiLeo Chat:
Kirgman wrote:
It seems to be a CentiLeo bug.
0.5 iterations is progressive stage that shortly shows the whole picture. Then it works as buckets until 1.0 iterations and all the others are also buckets.
Does this issue always reproduce? Can you send me a minimum test example for fixing?
I have fixed a lot of things already since last release and maybe this issue is also fixed but I am not sure.
The new version is coming soon.
here is the file.

it doesn't have textures, but anything overwritten should be fine. It is not a texture issue I don't think.
You might have to increase the resampling back to 100% for this object tracker to test.

Also, I have encountered a new issue with a material.
here is a video of the issue.

the floor is jittering but it is not a shadow/normal issue this time it is an issue with the displacement maybe? Or the lighting? I used 32 iterations.
the displacement height I have set is 0.001 cm.
Here is the material node if you want to test it, but I can also send the scene as well.

I tried 64 and even 128 iterations, but still the issue persists with this floor material.
It gets better with more iterations, but not to the extent I wished.

It could be a strange interaction with the floor's actual geometry.
I think it's mostly having the glitching on the edges where the real floor geometry is, which is not what the texture I used was made for.
it is a low poly floor geometry.
But even when I removed the bump channel entirely I still have the issue to an extent.

Also, is there any way to make the omni light or any other light completely invisible as a light source?
If I have a light seen through glass there is no way to make the light invisible. If I set transmission to 0 then the entire lighting is gone fr om the room through the window.

I am having an issue with a light object wh ere I have the 'glass' polygons set to an emission material, however, when I increase the multiplier above 1 it doesn't produce anymore light. Even if I turn it all the way up to 10000.
Edited: ssjenforcer - Jan 12, 2023 02:13
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jan 12, 2023 11:08
Thanks for shares! I will look into files and get back to you.
I see the Alien on one screen, one of my favourite characters! :)
CentiLeo Chat:
Kirgman wrote:
Thanks for shares! I will look into files and get back to you.
I see the Alien on one screen, one of my favourite characters!
Ok, thanks.
Let me know if you would like that scene with the glitching floor geometry, because I tried everything I could and no matter what I set the material channels it would still do it.
Turning off the bump and removing the displacement map didnt help.
I had to give up and make a new floor plane myself and the material I wanted worked fine.
Something odd about the room floor model.
I looked at the phong tag and it was 180 degrees. But I wasn't sure if that was abnormal because my alien creature model also had a 180 degree phong.
Edited: ssjenforcer - Jan 12, 2023 14:46
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jan 12, 2023 19:29
ssjenforcer wrote:
Let me know if you would like that scene with the glitching floor geometry, because I tried everything I could and no matter what I set the material channels it would still do it.
yes, that would be good to get this glitching scene too, I want to fix it
CentiLeo Chat:
Kirgman wrote:
ssjenforcer wrote:
Let me know if you would like that scene with the glitching floor geometry, because I tried everything I could and no matter what I set the material channels it would still do it.
yes, that would be good to get this glitching scene too, I want to fix it
I am also seeing this in another scene with different models and textures.
I think it is something similar to before with the normals having glitchy shadows at edges.
Have you encountered this issue at all in your renders?
Frame to frame I have this issue with nothing in the scene that should cause it.

Here is the first scene

Here is another I have the issue.
It isn't all over the model but in certain parts I have it glitching.
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jan 17, 2023 06:59
ssjenforcer wrote:
Have you encountered this issue at all in your renders?
Not yet, still finishing the previous task and next will proceed with this one
CentiLeo Chat:
Kirgman wrote:
ssjenforcer wrote:
Have you encountered this issue at all in your renders?
Not yet, still finishing the previous task and next will proceed with this one
have you has this issue?
I don't know if it is c4d 2023 or centileo, but when I render to the picture viewer it sometimes does this to the frames in the preview.
They progressively begin to change to look very bad but only in Picture Viewer. The actual file looks fine in other apps, but the frames in picture viewer get weird looking as they approach the newest frame.
it's when I render hundreds of frames mostly.
It just makes it hard to see the preview while it's rendering and make sure it looks fine until I see it in after effects at the end.

It almost seems like a gamma issue. It is as if the image has had its gamma adjusted, and dark parts of the image appear much darker.

If I render 200 frames then usually only the last 10 or so will still look normal until they change like the first 190 frames have already done.
It has happened multipe times for different scenes, so it might just be for large number of frames.
Edited: ssjenforcer - Jan 19, 2023 20:00
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jan 30, 2023 19:26
Hi, I have investigated into the issue. So the first problem
it gets to 0.5 iterations very fast (I set it to 1 iterations to test how it looks at first) and then it struggles to get to 1 iteration on the first frame.
It looks to be fixed, I don't detect it in the new upcoming version.

As for the other one with glitching I understand now what's going on and it needs to be fixed. So in fact we have a scene glitching.c4d and an object GangutStation.
This object has several selection tags with different referenced materials tags. Some materials have displacement mapping applied, some are not! But because something is with displacement then the whole object is getting tesselated and displaced but selection areas without displacement material get zero displacement value. The issue here is that tesseleated and displaced object surface triangulation and normals are changed compared to original and I think there is some wrong assignment of normals to not really displaced selections. This should be fixed by me. And I think that internally not displaced polygon selections should remain purely original.

Also the other issue here is that when we have several selections for the object then the tesselation settings (edge size, subdivisions, but not the displacement map itself) are taken from displacement settings of the base material tag. Base material tag is the one that has no selection tag refrence and it would be applied to all polygons if selections were not present. It's wrong from my side, because I think we have to get these settings per selecion correctly.
But in this scene case there is no created base material tag and a default one is used with too rough tesselation settings (Edge Size = 2, etc.). And these settings are propagated to all other material tags that reference correct existing selections. Certainly I have to fix this other issue.
Something can be done even now on user side if you create a material tag on the left side of the object tag list without assigning this material tag to any selection. Also add material to this tag with zero constant displacement map, fix the tesselation settings to edge size = 1 or 0.5 and then artifacts poping normals will get reduced a lot.
See this screenshot as an example of settings


ssjenforcer wrote:
If I render 200 frames then usually only the last 10 or so will still look normal until they change like the first 190 frames have already done.
It has happened multipe times for different scenes, so it might just be for large number of frames.
I think it's not gamma but some memory corruption bug. I hope it's fixed with the other bugfix changes. During last couple of few hundred frame renders I haven't noticed that, so let's hope the issue will dissapear even in you renders when it' released.
CentiLeo Chat:
I'll check mine and see if that first material is wrong for me.
I just downloaded that model, and I thought I mapped the new centileo materials correctly with the bitmap images provided.
Or maybe the designer mapped that material wrong.

That might be what happened in my other scene with the glitching floor.
I had applied my own material instead of the one provided by the model's maker.
My displacement for that might have been having the same issues with polygon selection tags.
Edited: ssjenforcer - Feb 1, 2023 20:51
Administrator  Posts: 950
Feb 1, 2023 21:37
A good practice to send a scene somewhere else is to save with assets option. It will save the scene to the specified folder and will send all the referenced textures there too and will change the links in the bitmaps. Also it's good to transfer the scene without "*.cntx" files and you do so.
CentiLeo Chat:
Kirgman wrote:
A good practice to send a scene somewhere else is to save with assets option. It will save the scene to the specified folder and will send all the referenced textures there too and will change the links in the bitmaps. Also it's good to transfer the scene without "*.cntx" files and you do so.
ok. I will next time.
good to know.
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