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first render test
Hi, i'm just trying centileo for some render...
i have a nvidia 980 ti and it took about 02:08 mn

to render this pictures with 20 iterations within c4d.
the background got some flakes shader.
the picture is 1500x1200px. :)
centileo01.jpg (416.21 Kb)
****Remib website****
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 4, 2019 18:31
Hi remi! Good start! Btw, you can make colored flakes if you connect flake shader (with greyscale ids) to the Ramp (to input map) or Random shader (to seed map).
CentiLeo Chat:
hi i have a second render, exported from zbrush and 3dcoat... the 3dcoat
export setting based on 3dsmax maps base
color/metalness/roughness/ior.i have also added some displacement and
bump map but didn't found the normal map field in the standard mat
setting. finally i have make a mix texture to separate reflections
1&2 setting from the first mat.i still don't know how to set my normal map
render #14:28 mn 20 iterations count 1920x1280px
4:38 mn 20 iterations count 1920x1280px
see you on centileo forum...
003b.jpg (429.24 Kb)
003.jpg (845.62 Kb)
Edited: remi bouffort - Dec 6, 2019 07:57
****Remib website****
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 6, 2019 15:05
Hi remi bouffort, to make a normal map you can make CentiLeo bitmap shader for the Bump slot of CentiLeo material. Then in CentiLeo Bitmap you select the normal map file location and enable the "Is Normal Map" checkbox. That's all. There are also other flags that flip the normal map r/g/b to adapt for various normal map formats.
Also this way of doing a normal map allows additional combinations with greyscale bump maps.
CentiLeo Chat:
Hi kirgman, thanks for your help the bitmap setting did work. assuming that my sculpt with 3dcoat is not very detailed.i post a double screen view of my desktop with the mix shader i've used... mix shader behavior in Centileo is close to an octane functionnality so i didn't have difficulties to achieve my material. i also used some particular post process in the render saturation and gamma output... everything's good ! i can't wait for the nodal system to be developped, have a nice day...
00001.jpg (1.11 Mb)
003.jpg (716.78 Kb)
Edited: remi bouffort - Dec 6, 2019 16:32
****Remib website****
hi i'm trying to render a game character bust with subsurface/fresnel mat, i post some renders of the character... each are 3mn render with 32 iterations and 900x1280px...
0000100002.jpg (101.62 Kb)
000010001.jpg (99.51 Kb)
000010000002.jpg (60.92 Kb)
Edited: remi bouffort - Dec 11, 2019 15:57
****Remib website****
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 11, 2019 15:57
Hi remi, how would you use these renders in a game? For adverticement of game? I think some day we will have to make lighting baking to texture :)
I think some reflections + bump are missing on top of sss
CentiLeo Chat:
hello kirgman it's a non player game character modeling start picture, which gonna give me an overview of the rendering capacities in realtime, i have plenty mesh just waiting to be integered in a unity prototype, for sure my material setting is not really accurate, i have to play around with reflection normal map etc... baking could be an interisting option ;) i'll get back to you as soon as i have a good setup.... still discovering centileo... with a high learning curve... have a nice day...
Edited: remi bouffort - Dec 11, 2019 16:15
****Remib website****
...Futhermore centileo gives really fast and good quality, next time i'll give it a try with some archiviz scene and perhaps animation, looks like Centileo gonna take part of my workflow... for some architecture projects and some visualisation design... i'll keep you informed about it...
Edited: remi bouffort - Dec 11, 2019 16:22
****Remib website****
new scene, new renders and a post prod ingame overview... 11mn render for the castle preview with 12 iterations, the general map took 15 iterations 12 mn aproximatively..., quite a good result don't you think so ? any plan for a volumetric effect ;) ? have a nice day...
000001002.jpg (2.42 Mb)
****Remib website****
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 12, 2019 08:07
Hi remi! Very good! I would recommend a good CG trick: add green (yellow, brown) variations to the tree leaves. In CentiLeo it's quite easy to do:
1) make cntlRandom shader (with randomize by object parts checkbox). This means: any locally connected triangular object groups will get different color/ID
2) make cntlRamp shader and setup several knots with green, yellow, brown and other colors you like
3) connect cntlRandom to the input_map of cntlRamp (it can be done inside cntlRamp).
4) connect cntlRamp to diffuse slot of CentiLeo Material.

The other way is to do it even without Ramp, only with Random shader. But in this case in Random shader you should switch off black and white output and tune the HUE variation range (e.g. from 0 deg to 90 hue value). That way the Random shader will generate Random colors specified by you.

I know with node editor GUI it would be much easier to observe the shaders. I am workin on it now.

The speed is ok for 980. And let's hope we can improve it further.
As for Volumetrics - not soon yet, too many urgent tasks.
CentiLeo Chat:
hi kirgman, thanks for the precious informations, i'm gonna work on it soon, i know that random and ramp could give better result... good too for the node editor gui, this kind of visualisation is really efficient and prevent from wasting time adjusting material settings... so volumetric is just an option but in most architectural scenes it is almost essential... i know there are other priorities for now... i also plan to import metashape element to render with centileo i don't know if you have ever heard about photogrammetry... well i'll keep focus on the previous render for the moment, have a nice day and thanks again for your advices...
****Remib website****
i forgot i have some new pictures, using dof setup, which is really easy to render... i have also used the material converter function and it work fine with standard mat, really can't wait to see the next centileo alpha version...
0000000123013.jpg (190.25 Kb)
0000000123012.jpg (193.36 Kb)
000000012301.jpg (171.82 Kb)
****Remib website****
Kirgman, cntlRamp works fine, the leaves are tinted by a linear gradient within the ramp in a very efficient way...getting some automnal mood in no time... 8)
****Remib website****
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 13, 2019 09:29
Sure, the nature never has perfect and same colors
CentiLeo Chat:
hi this is my lastest renders with some volumetric light attempt, emission and global settings on cntl materials...
the apartment scene took 7:58 mn at 32 iteration (i also post the final render without post effect)... the creature with red emission took 7:40mn and the bust only 3:30mn on gtx 980 ti...
007_final.jpg (734.17 Kb)
007_final2.jpg (220.09 Kb)
001a.jpg (543.33 Kb)
001.jpg (478.66 Kb)
Edited: remi bouffort - Dec 19, 2019 12:19
****Remib website****
playing around with centileo... post prod with photoshop
004-cntl2.jpg (775.95 Kb)
004-cntl.jpg (1.32 Mb)
****Remib website****
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jun 1, 2020 20:17
Hi remi! How did you make a background on 004-cntl.jpg ? Is that rendered or just a texture?
CentiLeo Chat:
my firs look From 12-02-2019
C4.jpg (806.03 Kb)
C6.jpg (324.21 Kb)
C7.jpg (764.69 Kb)
C8.jpg (905.5 Kb)
C1.jpg (554.94 Kb)
C2.jpg (468.36 Kb)
C3.jpg (920.64 Kb)
Edited: Mehmet KALAMAN - Dec 21, 2020 08:16
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 22, 2020 12:43
Mehmet, hi! It's a very good car!
CentiLeo Chat:
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