We have released CentiLeo 0.44 for 3ds Max 2014-2017.
Download link:
Shaderball scene:
Change Log: cntlmax 0.441 alpha (2016 Nov 16)
[cntlmax] Fixed crash of map preview (the reason was cntlRandom shader)
[cntlmax] Fixed some GUI lags when IPR is running (needs testing)
See here:
0.45 still under preparation, it has a lot of changes
This is a list of changes 0.44
[cntlmax] Fixed bug when old viewport wasn't locked in IPR when viewports are
switching (actually view angle was not locked).
[cntlmax] Fixed bug when environment map disappear from one of the slots of CentiLeo
Renderer settings. But now when open old scene the reset of render settings may be
required (not always): if something is strange please change selected renderer in main
settings to scanline and then back to CentiLeo again and then recreate Environment map
slots again.
[cntlmax] UV tiling of cntlTexture is now mapped same way as standard Bitmap which is
also supported
[cntlmax] Now cntlTexture supports all those image formats that are supported by 3ds
Max itself (FreeImage lib dependency is removed).
[cntlmax] 3rd party light sources are converted to CentiLeo uber-light and convert old
light instancing (this feature accelerates manual conversion process for light sources).
[cntlmax] cntlBlend has const values together with shader slots
[cntlmax] Resource collector for CentiLeo assets connected to the scene (currently
cntlTexture and cntlProxy)
[cntlmax] Checkbox “reflection as coat” for Reflections in cntlStdMat. If enabled then
reflection layer become more important especially at grazing angles when cntlFalloff is
[cntlmax] cntlRandom shader (at input 10 shader slots that are selected randomly with
some random color variation)
[IPR] enable/disable render status info (mouse right-click)
Known issues to be solved soon
- No yet multi-GPU
- No yet supported camera projection shifts for vertical lines tuning.
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from other renderers (only diffuse property and
textures from Standard material and Vray material)
- UVW mapping change of parameters may not be accounted by IPR scene auto update
mode. To be solved.
- Need to accelerate first-time scene load and full reload
- Unfortunatelly benchmark scene is not yet available.
As I already told in C4D branch we now work on some important improvements of the core:
1) improvements for scenes with many light sources,
2) multi-GPU support,
3) and I think that soon there will be also some post-processing multi-pass very nice features just in renderer.
Btw, Ali Kavyani suggested to add one more setting to Reflections (this is IOR) and we are going to implement it

We are looking for your tests and suggestions which will help us improve.