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CentiLeo for 3ds Max 0.521 available (motion blur, faster dof, final geo mode, bugfixes and 3ds Max 2018)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 6, 2017 07:33
Hello everyone!

CentiLeo 0.52 for 3ds Max 2014-2017 is available! At this time we have implemented Motion Blur! It can be played in IPR mode with all the things movable and autodetected interactively. Very fast convergence and good memory efficiency. Also we have improved Depth of Field noise reduction (it's faster now). Very usefull FIN GEO mode is added to IPR which renders the same scene as Production Render (and supports changing shading and lighting). However the most time in this version development was spent on bugfixing that were living since 0.48 but were less evident before.


Change Log: cntlmax 0.521 alpha (2017 October 10)

[cntlmax] Support 3ds Max 2018
[core] Fixed crash bug when mesh has UV channel #2 and no UV channel #1

Change Log: cntlmax 0.520 alpha (2017 October 6)

[core] Motion Blur (MB) support with up to 32 object transformation keys and deformation motion blur (2 keys only).
- Fast noise reduction.
- Supported in IPR with enabled auto detector for scene changes (with up to 4 transformation keys).
- There is no slowdown in scenes without motion blur.
- When deformation MB is enabled memory consumption adds 40% of dynamic scene objects. And our out-of-core tech may help here.
- MB settings are in Camera Rollout of Render Settings (and are global for the scene).
- Toggling MB enable and deformation enable flags, and FPS will reload the scene.
- Changing scene time (or frame) in IPR with auto detection will reload only changed objects.
[core] Depth of Field - much faster noise reduction.
[core] Fixed a lot of bugs that could cause rare random crashes (due to complex parallel thread processing here and there).
[IPR] Added “FIN GEO” mode which means (Final Geometry).
- This mode enables Production render scene evaluation inside IPR window.
- Motion Blur has up to 32 motion keys (if enabled by user)
- E.g. subdivision objects are tessellated with Renderer num steps (not Editor steps).
- When FIN GEO is enabled then scene changes auto detection is off, but camera, light sources and material changes are quickly detected in CentiLeo for this mode.
- This mode is good to modify shading when geometry is ready.

Known issues

- Displacement mapping feature is deactivated due to large code changes overall. This feature will be recovered within the next few short CentiLeo updates.
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from Cinema 4D native materials (only diffuse color and texture are converted and translated if assigned to the object)
- May not support non-latin texture paths.

Important note

We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.

Please test it and give us feedback to discover further improvements!

Best regards,
Edited: Kirgman - Oct 10, 2017 19:50 (Update 0.521: support 3ds Max 2018)
CentiLeo Chat:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 6, 2017 07:35

Small example with deformation and transformation motion blur
CentiLeo Chat:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 10, 2017 19:50
Update 0.521: support for 3ds Max 2018
CentiLeo Chat:
Will there ever be a way to get deformation motion blur on animated p-flow particles.
I managed to get motion blur on the particle movement but not on the individual movements.

I know this is not doable in Octane or even i Vray on some due to huge memory consumption or something


edit: The particle moblur was very fast thou!
Edited: Daniel Westlund - Nov 16, 2017 08:39
Administrator  Posts: 950
Nov 17, 2017 06:01
Hi Daniel, I think that if someone on CPU can make deform MB on animated p-flow particles then we will find the ways to do it too.

The fact is that there was just the first version with MB and there will be other updates with MB improvements later.

I haven't yet tested any particles or p-flow with CentiLeo, but the plan is to work on this later of course. E.g. there will be special features/routines to work with very many particles in more efficient way.
CentiLeo Chat:
Kirgman wrote:
I think that if someone on CPU can make deform MB on animated p-flow particles then we will find the ways to do it too.
Actually I´m not sure there is a renderer that can do it in max. Maybe on smaller scenes.

Thank you for this renderer, all though limited right now I like to use it and even planing a future project for it. ;)

I read in the plan that you will do something to the bump map. It is very sensitive right now and you start to see the actual geometry- polygons if you crank it up. Is this something you will work on?

Administrator  Posts: 950
Nov 18, 2017 04:28
Daniel Westlund wrote:
Actually I´m not sure there is a renderer that can do it in max. Maybe on smaller scenes.
The future research on this topic will reply. Sometimes the problem is with 3ds Max itself. E.g. it delivers mesh polygons quite slowly compared e.g. to C4D.
Thank you for this renderer, all though limited right now I like to use it and even planing a future project for it.
The overall internal development TODO list has almost 200 items to make :)
After 0.53 release on GGX and SSS I will work on dirt and curvemap shaders, then displacements and then mesh lights. And later would like to fix that bump problems. Then should make more noise shaders, uv projection manipulations and optimize renderer overall at 0.6 release. And later move on other important things.
Daniel Westlund wrote:
I read in the plan that you will do something to the bump map. It is very sensitive right now and you start to see the actual geometry- polygons if you crank it up. Is this something you will work on?
Yes, the bump is important e.g. for carpaint flakes. We must improve it.
I have noticed that some renderers hide the bump mapping artifacts just shifting the diffuse shadows so that problematic areas with bump are hidden under shadow and lit area of surface is a bit narrow. Maybe it's good like that, at least looks ok.
CentiLeo Chat:
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