Forums » CentiLeo for Cinema 4D
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ANUODE.jpg (1.02 Mb)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jul 10, 2021 05:22
Hi hao qiqi0, welcome here!
The forum is English speaking, so use it please :)
The caustics are not yet supported in CentiLeo. So in order to get no noise from them we blur this visual effect.
In your image the cup internal reflections are dark. I think you have to make sure that Relfection.weight = 1 and Reflection.Color = pure 100% white for your material.
There is also "Is Liquid" option for Transmission channel, it should be enabled for the mesh of liquid if it overlaps the mesh of cup glass.

Best regards,
CentiLeo Chat:
Can the system out of a series of tutorials?
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jul 11, 2021 09:02
hao qiqi0 wrote:
Can the system out of a series of tutorials?
I will make tutorials of course after 0.66-0.67 releases. There will be a documentation on materials, shaders and light sources with examples, later I will make a free demo scene with tuned materials. And I hope few other guys will make their tutorials for sharing, so stay tuned :)
CentiLeo Chat:
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