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Python code to convert C4d materials to Centileo
How to replace the old materials by there centileo clones using python?
User  Posts: 3
Feb 21, 2023 05:47
I made a quick code to convert C4d Materials to centileo for a projects I'm working on..
the code just handels color and bump shaders that what I need for my project.. and its not complete working code beacose it's not handling expectations and errors ..etc.

import c4d

# Get  material's Vals
def MatConvertGet(material1):
    # Get the material's Name
    matname = material1.GetName()

    # Get the material's shaders
    shaderImg = material1[c4d.MATERIAL_COLOR_SHADER]
    shaderCol = material1[c4d.MATERIAL_COLOR_COLOR]

    shaderBumpImg = material1[c4d.MATERIAL_BUMP_SHADER]
    Bump_stat = material1[c4d.MATERIAL_USE_BUMP]

    shaderBumpVal = material1[c4d.MATERIAL_BUMP_STRENGTH]

    Col_texture_path = ""
    #Get the shader's texture path or color
    if shaderImg:
        Col_texture_path = shaderImg[c4d.BITMAPSHADER_FILENAME]

    Bump_texture_path = ""
    #Get the shader's texture path or color
    if shaderBumpImg:
        Bump_texture_path = shaderBumpImg[c4d.BITMAPSHADER_FILENAME]

    return {"matname" : matname,
            "shaderCol" : shaderCol,
            "Col_texture_path" : Col_texture_path,
            "Bump_stat" : Bump_stat,
            "shaderBumpVal" : shaderBumpVal,
            "Bump_texture_path" : Bump_texture_path,}

# Create the centileo Clone
def CreatesCNTLmat(matname, shaderCol, Col_texture_path, Bump_stat, shaderBumpVal, Bump_texture_path):
    # Create the centileo Clone
    c4d.CallCommand(58000, 1036659) # creat new CNTL material
    material0 = doc.GetActiveMaterial() # Get the setected new material

    # Color And Texture
    material0[c4d.IDD_DIFFUSE_COLOR] = shaderCol

    material0[c4d.IDD_REFL1_ROUGH] = 0.6

    if  Col_texture_path:
        Shader1 = c4d.BaseShader(1036812)
        Shader1[c4d.CNTL_XBITMAP_NAME] = "CColor"
        Shader1[c4d.CNTL_XBITMAP_FILENAME] = Col_texture_path
        material0[c4d.IDD_DIFFUSE_COLOR_X] = Shader1

    # bump map
    material0[c4d.IDD_TOGGLE_BUMP] = Bump_stat

    if Bump_stat:
        material0[c4d.IDD_BUMP] = shaderBumpVal

    if Bump_stat and Bump_texture_path:
        Shader2 = c4d.BaseShader(1036812)
        Shader2[c4d.CNTL_XBITMAP_NAME] = "BBump"
        Shader2[c4d.CNTL_XBITMAP_FILENAME] = Bump_texture_path
        material0[c4d.IDD_BUMP_X] = Shader2

# Main function
def main():
    # Get the active material
    material1 = doc.GetActiveMaterials()

    for mat in material1:
        C4D_mat = MatConvertGet(mat)
        CreatesCNTLmat(C4D_mat["matname"], C4D_mat["shaderCol"], C4D_mat["Col_texture_path"], C4D_mat["Bump_stat"], C4D_mat["shaderBumpVal"], C4D_mat["Bump_texture_path"])

    # Update the document

if __name__=='__main__':
the code just create a centileo clone but not replace the original materials,
so my question is how to replace the old materials by there centileo clones after creating them automatically using python of course

PS: I'm not a programmer by any means, I just know a little of python with some help from chatGPT :)
Edited: sel - Feb 21, 2023 06:45
User  Posts: 3
Feb 21, 2023 08:53
I found a quick and dirty way to do that.. :)

by adding "return material0" to the CreatesCNTLmat function, and modifying main function like so..
import c4d

# Get C4D material values
def MatConvertGet(material1):
    # Get the material's Name
    matname = material1.GetName()

    # Get the material's shaders
    shaderImg = material1[c4d.MATERIAL_COLOR_SHADER]
    shaderCol = material1[c4d.MATERIAL_COLOR_COLOR]

    shaderBumpImg = material1[c4d.MATERIAL_BUMP_SHADER]
    Bump_stat = material1[c4d.MATERIAL_USE_BUMP]

    shaderBumpVal = material1[c4d.MATERIAL_BUMP_STRENGTH]

    Col_texture_path = ""
    #Get color shader's texture path or color
    if shaderImg:
        Col_texture_path = shaderImg[c4d.BITMAPSHADER_FILENAME]

    Bump_texture_path = ""
    #Get bump shader's texture path or color
    if shaderBumpImg:
        Bump_texture_path = shaderBumpImg[c4d.BITMAPSHADER_FILENAME]

    return {"matname" : matname,
            "shaderCol" : shaderCol,
            "Col_texture_path" : Col_texture_path,
            "Bump_stat" : Bump_stat,
            "shaderBumpVal" : shaderBumpVal,
            "Bump_texture_path" : Bump_texture_path,}

# Create the centileo Clone
def CreatesCNTLmat(matname, shaderCol, Col_texture_path, Bump_stat, shaderBumpVal, Bump_texture_path):
    # Create the centileo Clone
    c4d.CallCommand(58000, 1036659) # creat new CNTL material
    material0 = doc.GetActiveMaterial() # Get the setected new material

    # Color And Texture
    material0[c4d.IDD_DIFFUSE_COLOR] = shaderCol

    material0[c4d.IDD_REFL1_ROUGH] = 0.6

    if  Col_texture_path:
        Shader1 = c4d.BaseShader(1036812)
        Shader1[c4d.CNTL_XBITMAP_NAME] = "CColor"
        Shader1[c4d.CNTL_XBITMAP_FILENAME] = Col_texture_path
        material0[c4d.IDD_DIFFUSE_COLOR_X] = Shader1

    # bump map
    material0[c4d.IDD_TOGGLE_BUMP] = Bump_stat

    if Bump_stat:
        material0[c4d.IDD_BUMP] = shaderBumpVal

    if Bump_stat and Bump_texture_path:
        Shader2 = c4d.BaseShader(1036812)
        Shader2[c4d.CNTL_XBITMAP_NAME] = "BBump"
        Shader2[c4d.CNTL_XBITMAP_FILENAME] = Bump_texture_path
        material0[c4d.IDD_BUMP_X] = Shader2
    return material0

# Main function
def main():
    # Get the active material
    material1 = doc.GetActiveMaterials()

    for mat in material1:
        # Get C4D material values
        C4D_mat = MatConvertGet(mat)
        c4d.CallCommand(16370) # Select Material Tags/Objects
        tg = doc.GetActiveTags() # Get the active tags
        # Creat the new Centileo material
        newmat = CreatesCNTLmat(C4D_mat["matname"], C4D_mat["shaderCol"], C4D_mat["Col_texture_path"], C4D_mat["Bump_stat"], C4D_mat["shaderBumpVal"], C4D_mat["Bump_texture_path"])
        #loop through all the material tags of the old material and replace it with the new material
        for tag in tg:
            tag[c4d.TEXTURETAG_MATERIAL] = newmat
        # Delete the old material
    # Update the document

if __name__=='__main__':
Edited: sel - Feb 21, 2023 08:57
Administrator  Posts: 950
Feb 21, 2023 09:07
Hi sel, welcome to CentiLeo! And thanks a lot for attempt to make a converter!
Good news is that I am working on this at the moment and it will be a C++ converter, that means that it will be able not only to convert into CentiLeo shader nodes, but also to use existing nodes directly in CentiLeo. We will try to support as much as possible from Cinema native nodes and Octane, and maybe more. And there will be iterations to refine the precision of shader conversion.
For example the similar job is made for our 3ds Max plugin and it will be released soon. And now started to do it for C4D, hope it goes rapidly.
CentiLeo Chat:
User  Posts: 3
Feb 21, 2023 10:13
Hollo Kirgman, thanks for your reply
that's good news to hear ^^
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