Forums » CentiLeo for Cinema 4D
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When will material conversion be supported?
你好 Kirgman,之前看到你的回复说下个版本会增加材质转换功能,0.68版本已经更新了,材质转换还是不可用。
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 22, 2023 06:07
Hi! I have postponed the material converter during 0.68 due to some complex things. But I will add a material converter for several engines at 0.70 release
CentiLeo Chat:
Thank You for the current 0.70 Update. Truly appreciate it. Have a wonderful christmas and a Happy New year.
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 22, 2023 18:28
Thank you for wishes! Happy holidays to you too!
CentiLeo Chat:
期待您的更新,祝您节日快乐,centileo 越来越强.
Looking forward to your updates, happy holidays, centileo getting stronger.
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