Forums » CentiLeo for Cinema 4D
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Strange behavior of Centileo's Light and Sky with HDRI
Hello! I found strange behavior of Light and Sky with HDRI when Occlude other lights option in Light tag unchecked. Other options are default.

A caustic-like effect appears. The light from the HDRI passes through the grille in the ceiling, passes through the plane of Light and is refracted strangely as it hits the floor. Render result of my setup in attachment. This effect does not disappear when I change other settings in Light tag

Is it bug or feature?

Simple scene in attachment. HDRI texture is Rural Asphalt Road from HDRI Haven, here is link
Screenshot_2.png (506.29 Kb)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jan 18, 2024 07:45
Thanks for report and a scene, I will look there asap
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