Lighting and HDR are the same in both, however I found that in Blender the hdr is rotated to back (may be while exporting/importing fbx applied world transformation to the whole scene). Rotating the hdr to 180 solved the highlight mismatch. For further comparison I turned off the real lights and rendered the scene.
The bottle is made of double sided mesh with very thin thickness.
bottle water is solid geometry and is scaled down to 0.96 in x and z and 0.99 in y. To solve the intersection problem.
Droplets are hemisphere without any holes (I will remove the droplets and make another render soon!, may be the droplet placement has some issues, both renders shows strange result).
ice is a cube
water body is a cube with displaced top.
outer is a tank geometry with thickness
RPR render Blender
High contrast turned on in color management, view transform = standard
No color management, view transform = standard
Here is the render settings
ray depth = 16
Diffuse = 2
Glossy =8
Refraction =8
Glossy refraction =8
Shadow =4
Ray epsilon=0.02
Max samples=356
min samples=128
iteration =2
raybounce =14
with post effect
without post effect
RPR seems to produce more lights/exposure than Centileo with same HDR. There is no exposure/ camera values changed in both renders. RPR may be shooting more rays?
with ray bounce =25 and post effects on
with c4d filter exposure=0.5
is liquid= on for water inside bottle, droplets, ice, water body, centileo exposure = 1