Forums » CentiLeo for 3ds Max
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CentiLeo for 3ds Max 0.462 available
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 8, 2016 21:05
Hello everyone!

We have released CentiLeo 0.462 for 3ds Max 2014-2017.

Download link:

Recommendation to increase render speed:

Shaderball scene:

Light lister script by Ali Kavyani:

Change Log: cntlmax 0.462 alpha (2016 Dec 16)

[core] Fixed black highlights in some conditions.
[core] Fixed black borders for glass.
[core] Fixed missing reflection layer for mirrored meshes.
[core] Fixed issue which caused slow render when there are many light sources with crazy
different areas and intensities.
[core] Added option “Contribute to only GI” to the light sources which helps to add more
indirect light to interiors without increasing the number of ray bounces. Increases the
speed of interior rendering, flicker-free, similar to portals accelerator for GI.
[cntlmax] Added MultiScatter support (however not yet interactive, you need to press
“Reload Scene” button for changes to be reflected in IPR mode). This inconvenience will be
fixed soon.
[cntlmax] Added LightLister thanks to the efforts of Ali Kavyani. See download &
instructions thread:

Change Log: cntlmax 0.461 alpha (2016 Dec 11)

[core] Now the glass is created by setting only transmission.weight to 1 and you don’t need to disable default Diffuse.weight to 0. According to new convention the weight of transmission layer overrides diffuse. If you want to mix transmission and diffuse then you should to make transmission weight less than 1. This is similar to other engines.
[core] Fixed incorrect glass rendering with IOR values larger than 1. And now it looks much more beautiful.
[core] Fixed “black highlight” bug in subtle rough reflections.

Change Log: cntlmax 0.46 alpha (2016 Dec 8 )

[cntlmax] Substantially faster scene loader. Translated mesh normals are fixed too. The
speed improvements range from 4x (for 10M poly scene composed of 400 smooth meshes)
to 10x (for 40M poly scene composed of 2 meshes). E.g. now the 40M poly scene is loaded
to CentiLeo in 40 sec when you click “Start IPR”.
[cntlmax] The previous loader acceleration method has also reduced high RAM
consumption during loading of very big meshes (e.g. loading 40M poly scene can eat 14GB
RAM instead of 24GB RAM).
[cntlmax] UI improvement: Tab and keyboard arrow jumps in user interface of materials,
shaders and light sources.
[cntlmax] Fixed bug when material names are not saved.
[cntlmax] Fixed wrong shadow catcher environment map selection when it's seen through reflections.

Known issues to be solved in further versions :)

- No yet multi-GPU
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from other renderers (only diffuse property and textures from Standard material and Vray material)
- UVW mapping change of parameters may not be accounted by IPR scene auto update mode. To be solved.
- Need to finish implementing integration with ForestPack/RailClone/MultiScatter
- May crash if in the same Max session you have rendered with Corona and then switched to CentiLeo IPR. Or vice versa: if you rendered in CentiLeo and then switched to Corona interactive.
CentiLeo Chat:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 8, 2016 21:28
Need to test if the normals are exported correcly with this new fast scene loader.
CentiLeo Chat:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 11, 2016 15:53
Change Log: cntlmax 0.461 alpha (2016 Dec 11)

[core] Now the glass is created by setting only transmission.weight to 1 and you don’t need to disable default Diffuse.weight to 0. According to new convention the weight of transmission layer overrides diffuse. If you want to mix transmission and diffuse then you should to make transmission weight less than 1. This is similar to other engines.
[core] Fixed incorrect glass rendering with IOR values larger than 1. And now it looks much more beautiful.
[core] Fixed “black highlight” bug in subtle rough reflections.
CentiLeo Chat:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 16, 2016 13:31
Updated till 0.462, please see ther first message
CentiLeo Chat:
a quick test with Contribute GI lights.
just can say that's amazing.

Thank's for this beautiful gift.
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 17, 2016 08:42
So you didn't increased the number of ray bounces to get the picture on the left? :)
CentiLeo Chat:
Kirgman wrote:
So you didn't increased the number of ray bounces to get the picture on the left?
I just added a point light as GI contributer.
Work's perfect.

Thank's for this gift.
Edited: Ali Kavyani - Dec 17, 2016 15:29
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