I cannot figure out how to render frames. Which button or menu option renders the images?
I have centileo set as my renderer, I have everything ready to go, but I cannot figure this out.
Is it the "Render to Picture Viewer" button? That does render my image, but it takes quite a long time.
I am using a 3080Ti, and my resolution is only 1080p.
I used a CPU render engine before this, and it took much less time and even at 4K with much more objects to render.
I uploaded a sample frame; should this take 2 minutes to render?
Does centileo have a special render menu within the IPR or does it use the built-in picture viewer render for C4D?
And if this is the way to render, how do you make it save each frame automatically as it renders them? Mine do not save to the folder I set after each frame renders.
How do you render?
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Operating on rendering animation frames is done in Cinema render settings (button Edit Render Settings), menu item "Output". In this section you will be able to select Fame Range to render.
Saving each frame automatically to file is controlled in Cinema render settings, menu item "Save". These are basics of Cinema 4D. What's your scene? What is this green field? A texture? A forest? Surely it looks strange slow. Please can you send me this scene file for tests? I am curious what's whong there.
CentiLeo Chat:
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Now my only issue is the render does not have my object correctly. Look at how it looks in the viewport vs render. Even the IPR shows it properly. Why would the render show my object so wrong? I would upload it but it is a 50 Mb scene file. It is a simple grass textured plane, two figure objects fr om C4D, a platonic in the air, and an X-Wing, all on a tracked camera shot. The grass has a displacement map texture, but why would the X-Wing be so wrong in the render? I have sent the x-wing object file to
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Thank you for files sent, I see them and will check soon!
Btw, in previous message I have shown 6.48 iterations performed in 2:22 min. And now I see 16.14 iterations in 49 sec. Strange! But I will look inside
CentiLeo Chat:
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If I do a scene by myself I will do everything right and will not get any problems. The file you sent me is a .fbx spacecraft model. I have imported it and it renders very fast. But I need to see the problems that arise in you scene. 50Mb is not a problem, you can use a google drive for example and send me a link.
CentiLeo Chat:
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I also just tested with a helicopter I used on another project and it renders just fine with no weird shape compression like the other object. But I still find it strange because the IPR looked fine. EDIT: I found the problem. My ship texture I used I think I applied the normal map incorrectly. Removing the texture entirely from the object makes it render ok. I just need to figure out how to apply a normal texture. Is it under displacement? I applied it to the input filename under displacement and checked ls normal map under normal map. I assume this is not correct?
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In case you use the normal map encoding normal perturbation then just don't forget to check the flag "Is Normal Map" inside CentiLeo bitmap node. Thanks a lot for file upload!
CentiLeo Chat:
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ssjenforcer, is the problem fixed after you changed a needed texture from displacement slot to normal map of material bump slot? Is there anything ok?
I have tested your scene. But it's without any image files, so the displacements and images are not evaluated. It renders for the same time for IPR and Picture Viewer. I don't see any render time differerenec for both render modes. However, I have catched some my small bug, where motion blur is not exactly the same for IPR and PV, there is very slight difference in evaluation intra-frame time positions, I will investigate there. Thanks for the scene, that helped to detect this!
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