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How to composite using Linear Workflow, and how to render multipass correctly
I am trying to test out using Linear Workflow compositing in After Effects, using a tutorial I found but that uses Octane multipass examples.
What is the equivalent to the 'beauty' pass for multipass in Centileo?
The only multipass layer that shows up in After Effects using the EXtractoR effect is 'background' (which I think in Centileo render settings is called RGBA, but After Effects recognizes it as Background instead). Is this correct?
But all the other passes I made, such as indirect/direct specular and indirect/direct diffuse, don't show up at all--just black screen.
Is specular the equivalent to Octane reflection pass?

I put everything in 32 bit like I was shown, but I don't know if there is any other setting for Centileo to activate Linear and/or Float.
Please any advice?
Administrator  Posts: 950
Feb 27, 2022 22:10
CentiLeo multi-pass is not enabled from there. These passes are enabled from Centileo render settings -> AOVs Tab. There are checkboxes to produce extra images. Btw there are no yet distribution for direct/indrect passes, but it will be easy to add this.
To make the output linear, i.e. without post-effect enabled you can either disable the post effects from IPR or go to Centileo render settings -> AOVs Tab and check "Send RAW passes to the Picture Viewer (gamma = 1).
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Kirgman wrote:
I actually always had Send Raw AOVs checked after you told me before that helps to match the IPR and render gamma, I believe.

I will try those beauty passes.
I think I have it figured out for now with this result so far.
This is very cool stuff. I didn't know I could render the background separately even with the transparent background.

What about Shadow pass? Is that possible to have separately as well like other beauty passes?
I am trying to use the alpha channel but it doesn't allow me to control the shadow. The diffuse layer also has the shadow from my shadow catcher plane, and I can't find a way to control its intensity using the extractor effect. Because the diffuse also has the shadow there is always a shadow connected to my diffuse that I cannot control the intensity.

I have a workaround but it's not perfect for edges of the object; I use Extractor and Levels effects with Alpha setting, but it would be nice to have a real shadow pass layer to work with instead.
Edited: ssjenforcer - Feb 28, 2022 10:36
Administrator  Posts: 950
Feb 28, 2022 20:54
ssjenforcer wrote:
I actually always had Send Raw AOVs checked after you told me before that helps to match the IPR and render gamma, I believe.
The "Send Raw AOVs" option is needed only when you need to output the raw (gamma=1) HDR image without any tonemapping (or postprocessing).
By default this option is off and the tonemapping is applied, but again the tonemapping can be enabled/disabled in post processing with Enable checkbox.
Usually this Raw output is needed when you later modify the image in After Effects or whatever.
ssjenforcer wrote:
What about Shadow pass? Is that possible to have separately as well like other beauty passes?
I am trying to use the alpha channel but it doesn't allow me to control the shadow. The diffuse layer also has the shadow from my shadow catcher plane, and I can't find a way to control its intensity using the extractor effect. Because the diffuse also has the shadow there is always a shadow connected to my diffuse that I cannot control the intensity.
Ok, we need to develop the decomposition of the current passes into more building blocks.
ssjenforcer wrote:
The diffuse layer also has the shadow from my shadow catcher plane, and I can't find a way to control its intensity using the extractor effect.
At the moment you can change the weight of the shadow catcher intensity (vs shadows coming from the other light sources) using the "Matte shadow Weight" option in CentiLeo light tag for Omni/Directional light sources. There is also the similar option inside CentiLeo Environment tag
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