I think this might have happened once in the old version a while ago, but I left a render going overnight and woke up to find it rendered 8 frames and then got stuck halfway on the 9th.
There was no error, and C4D was still responsive. It just got to 24.32 iterations and stopped working on the frame, but the total render time beside the iteration in the picture viewer was still counting up, so I know it was at 6+ hours. It just didn't want to render anymore.
The scene was one I previously did but with a minor change.
Is there any reason this would happen that I might prepare for?
Nothing complex was happening on the frames. Just polyfx on a small object.
Anyone encounter rendered frame getting infinitely stuck halfway?
User Posts:
Dec 24, 2022 12:59 |
Administrator Posts:
Dec 24, 2022 14:54 It's certainly a bug there. I have fixed a lot of such things already, but think there is still something yet more rare. There should be a new release in coming days or maybe in a week
CentiLeo Chat:
User Posts:
Dec 28, 2022 11:53
I have just encountered the bug again after 10 frames, only this time the picture viewer and c4d were completely unresponsive after it happened, but task manager shows they are still technically responsive somehow. EDIT: just happened again right after. Only got through 2 frames this time.
User Posts:
Dec 28, 2022 12:37 hola amigos tengo el mismo problema resulta que tengo una escena simple con material displasment normal map un cilindro y un terreno con pelo y todo se ve bien en el ipr de scintillation pro cuando voy a renderizar solo renderiza unos cuantos fotogramas y la escena no termina de renderizar en negro o simplemente no renderiza cinema 4d y se congela el visor de imagenes de cine ya he probado muchas cosas pero no entiendo esta version es centelleo 0.650
User Posts:
Dec 28, 2022 12:57 [img]file:///C:/Users/MICRO/Documents/Lightshot[/img]
User Posts:
Dec 29, 2022 00:20 My third time freezing render picture view on the same scene today.
I'm already looking at a 30+ hour render time. It could be because this is one of my first scenes with c4d 2023.0 where I have a cloth simulation cached, as well as a late scene dynamics simulation cached. Motion blur is enabled, so that could be the cause. EDIT: 4th time after 2 frames again. I'm turning off motion blur to see if that has any effect.
Administrator Posts:
Dec 29, 2022 07:36 I think it's one of issue that I have fixed, will upload the fix soon. And hopefull it will run well.
CentiLeo Chat:
User Posts:
Dec 29, 2022 08:10
It could be the cached simulations and motion blur, although my simulations are very simple for this scene. |
User Posts:
Dec 29, 2022 10:29 He logrado renderizar la escena en cinema 4d, solo tenia que estar pendiente de borrar el disk cache, el global cache, todo en el visor de imagenes y me di cuenta que en el administrador de tareas de cinema 4d me aparece un contador que no para incluso cuando el renderizado ya ha terminado, la tarea se llama limpieza de caché de PV
Administrator Posts:
Dec 31, 2022 07:14
CentiLeo Chat:
User Posts:
Jan 2, 2023 10:50 I have managed to render the scene in cinema 4d, I just had to be aware of deleting the disk cache, the global cache, everything in the image viewer and I realized that in the cinema 4d task manager a counter appears that does not stop even when the rendering is already finished, the task is called pv cache cleanup I'm sorry I had the automatic language translator on
Administrator Posts:
Jan 2, 2023 13:35
CentiLeo Chat:
User Posts:
Jan 6, 2023 14:21 as soon as iva rendering iva in increasing the ram memory filling the activity of the ram memory my ram memory is 16gb. yes, only that in the task manager of cinema 4d it kept processing PV cache and I don't know what that is, try to stop and crack cinema 4d and it closed
User Posts:
Jan 6, 2023 14:23 I tried to make another render with less samples 4 and it got stuck without giving time to clean disk cache
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