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CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.453 available (faster, many lights, light pass blender)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 9, 2016 06:52
Nice progress! I will have to block access of my wife to here :))

Btw, in some near future we will accelerate Subsurface Scattering feature and implement Hair rendering with curve primitives (not polygons like now).
So woman renders will become much faster.
CentiLeo Chat:
after Resolve PSU problem right now everything works perfect .

and some request ;

1 - temperature ( Blackbody) in light tag
2 - adding default environment color or checkbox for on , of in IPR , maybe auto of if use light
3 - AOV for sss
4 - Emission material and ( or ) mash light
5 - tonemapping in camera tag
6 - vertex map
7 - rendering Spline ( Tracer )
and Whatever that can do with Arnold . :)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 9, 2016 13:30
Aimar NL_21 wrote:
after Resolve PSU problem right now everything works perfect .

and some request ;

1 - temperature ( Blackbody) in light tag
2 - adding default environment color or checkbox for on , of in IPR , maybe auto of if use light
3 - AOV for sss
4 - Emission material and ( or ) mash light
5 - tonemapping in camera tag
6 - vertex map
7 - rendering Spline ( Tracer )
and Whatever that can do with Arnold .
Hi Aimar!

1 - yes
2 - how do you suggest to organize things? Let's discuss. Right now default env color is tuned in our render settings. This is needed to see objects in the scene if there are no light sources / skies there. It is overriden automatically if Sky with Envmap tag is present in the scene. But if for any layer such as reflection/camera/base/transmission the sky/envtag is disabled then default env color is used. It's possible to use several different skies for reflection/camera/base/transmission. Just disable the sky/envtag for everything except the necessary layer. Disabling is done with zero brightness.
2.5 - will add checkbox Clay mode for IPR. It will be more logical to co-exist with defaul env color
3 - Yes, good idea. And maybe translucency will go to separate AOV too. Maybe there will be also separation into texture values and incoming lighting.
4 - Yes, think it will be in some of 0.5X version
5 - How should it differ from our existing post-processing tab in camera tag? Have you noticed a special new camera tag?
6 - Will have to research how to do it in the best way, it seems to be very cool feature.
7 - We will support splines as analytic render primitives and should translate them from Cinema as well

Thanks for requests! :)
CentiLeo Chat:
2 - Simple if there are light sources (light tag ) in the scene disabled default env color like Sky with Envmap tag

2.5 - I am not sure but octane ( i don't seen default env color in other render engine just octane and centileo ) have it .

5 - I've seen in some render engine like octane , indigo and maxwell .

for example in maxwell renderer Documentation :

Response - ; Specify the sensor model, regarding its sensibility to color. Each camera sensor model presents a characteristic response curve to color, that controls the way the lighting information is registered by the sensor and converted into an image. Aside from the default Maxwell sensibility curve, you can choose from a selection of the most usual sensor models in the market: Advantix, Agfachrome, Agfacolor, Ektachrome, Fujifilm and Kodak, each of them presenting a different and characteristic color rendition. This setting works from the spectral information from the render, so it can be interactively tweaked during of after the render without damaging the original data.
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 9, 2016 17:22
Oh, camera response tables or LUTs! I like these features a lot.
Sure, will do it when will fix few other things.
CentiLeo Chat:
Kirgman wrote:
Nice progress! I will have to block access of my wife to here )

Btw, in some near future we will accelerate Subsurface Scattering feature and implement Hair rendering with curve primitives (not polygons like now).
So woman renders will become much faster.
Great news.:)

a little Q:
when i adjust the reflection,i get some shadows where should be highlight there with C4D r18.028.
and the dark outline at the same time.
if i change the roughness,it's worse.

Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 10, 2016 08:38
It seems there is something wrong on the arm. But one thing is too low poly model (at least on the tits and arms there are clearly visible polygons). Can you increase the tesselation of this model and see what happens?

The dark outline on the right arm - need to understand what is happening on it: does it appear when you add reflection? Or does it appear from diffuse? What happens if you change reflection IOR?

Also please try to switch on/off the option "Reflection as coat". It may happen that if it's enabled the dark outline should dissappear. Will probably remove this option and make it always on.

I would like to fix the problem.
Please, can you help us find the fix and send us this model to ?
CentiLeo Chat:
Kirgman wrote:
It seems there is something wrong on the arm. But one thing is too low poly model (at least on the tits and arms there are clearly visible polygons). Can you increase the tesselation of this model and see what happens?

The dark outline on the right arm - need to understand what is happening on it: does it appear when you add reflection? Or does it appear from diffuse? What happens if you change reflection IOR?

Also please try to switch on/off the option "Reflection as coat". It may happen that if it's enabled the dark outline should dissappear. Will probably remove this option and make it always on.

I would like to fix the problem.
Please, can you help us find the fix and send us this model to ?
so kind~~hug~
i tested a simple oiltank and got the same i think it's not about the model.
maybe something incompatible with C4D R18.
Please add more uvw mapping ( projection ) .

meantime i test a internal render and render time is not bad ( still have noise ).
R_m 01 ..jpg (1.09 Mb)
Edited: Aimar NL_21 - Dec 10, 2016 12:56
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 11, 2016 09:05
play boy wrote:
Kirgman wrote:
It seems there is something wrong on the arm. But one thing is too low poly model (at least on the tits and arms there are clearly visible polygons). Can you increase the tesselation of this model and see what happens?

The dark outline on the right arm - need to understand what is happening on it: does it appear when you add reflection? Or does it appear from diffuse? What happens if you change reflection IOR?

Also please try to switch on/off the option "Reflection as coat". It may happen that if it's enabled the dark outline should dissappear. Will probably remove this option and make it always on.

I would like to fix the problem.
Please, can you help us find the fix and send us this model to ?
so kind~~hug~
i tested a simple oiltank and got the same i think it's not about the model.
maybe something incompatible with C4D R18.
I am trying to solve the problem of black highlights. Probably solved but still testing it. It appears under some conditions
CentiLeo Chat:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 11, 2016 09:08
Aimar NL_21 wrote:
Please add more uvw mapping ( projection ) .

meantime i test a internal render and render time is not bad ( still have noise ).
Do you want to combine several mesh UV sets in the same object? We are going to add support up to 4 mesh UV sets in around of 3 future updates.

What was the time of your interior render? Have you used the portal option on the window? We still have the opportunity to accelerate diffuse-diffuse interreflections
CentiLeo Chat:
no . Normal c4d uvw ( Texture tag ) Like cubic and other

10 min . no i don't use portal option .

and some of saving format like .png doesn't work Properly .
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 11, 2016 16:01
Aimar NL_21 wrote:
10 min . no i don't use portal option .

Using Portal (you may see Cinema documentation or attached sample) accelerates rendering interiors lit by HDRs which are visible through windows. Simply place Area light sources to the hole of the window and in our cntlLightTag please enabled "Is Portal" option. It should be noticeably faster.

Aimar NL_21 wrote:
and some of saving format like .png doesn't work Properly .
This is the bug of Cinema 4D itself and not of CentiLeo. We transfer our imagery to Picture Viewer and since then Cinema is responsible for saving images.
As far as I remember Cinema ignores saving alpha channel for .png and it is a long story bug. As an alternative you may use .tiff which works as expected.

Aimar NL_21 wrote:
no . Normal c4d uvw ( Texture tag ) Like cubic and other
At some stage we want to implement the entire functionality of TextureTage which is very cool. Don't yet promise the date, but it is planned.

Btw, we are currently working on fixes for CentiLeo 0.46 for Cinema. Glass fixes are already done, just need to finish the fix for animation render recording. First time reported by Rodrigo.
CentiLeo Chat:
Kirgman wrote:
play boy wrote:
Kirgman wrote:
It seems there is something wrong on the arm. But one thing is too low poly model (at least on the tits and arms there are clearly visible polygons). Can you increase the tesselation of this model and see what happens?

The dark outline on the right arm - need to understand what is happening on it: does it appear when you add reflection? Or does it appear from diffuse? What happens if you change reflection IOR?

Also please try to switch on/off the option "Reflection as coat". It may happen that if it's enabled the dark outline should dissappear. Will probably remove this option and make it always on.

I would like to fix the problem.
Please, can you help us find the fix and send us this model to ?
so kind~~hug~
i tested a simple oiltank and got the same i think it's not about the model.
maybe something incompatible with C4D R18.
I am trying to solve the problem of black highlights. Probably solved but still testing it. It appears under some conditions
Great! :D

also my wish list:
1:A little bitmap user interface for the Cntlbitmap to help us know the file more easily.
2:Several functions for the Cntlbitmap such like transform mirror flip inverting ect.or a layer material just like the C4D.
3:The focus object for the moving camera.
4:A deep tutorial to explain the fast SSS Skin function.You know it‘s the soul part for every good renderer.a pretty face picture can make the Centileo world famous,as i wish.
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 15, 2016 08:50
Thanks for wish list!
Still working hard on the bugfixes :)

play boy wrote:
1:A little bitmap user interface for the Cntlbitmap to help us know the file more easily.
2:Several functions for the Cntlbitmap such like transform mirror flip inverting ect.or a layer material just like the C4D.
Mirror, rotation, seamless tiling, contrast will be added.
Please, can you tell in detail what other things are better to add there?
play boy wrote:
3:The focus object for the moving camera.
So, do you want to drag&drop the object that should be in focus for Depth of Field? The focus usually works for single direction (e.g. there is autofocus button in IPR window). But the object can be large, has many parts where it is harder to detect which of them should be in focus.
One idea is to place the Target tag for camera, drag the object there and recompute autofocus in the direction of computed C4D target. So, we need to add autofocus recomputation if the Target tag is attached to camera.
play boy wrote:
4:A deep tutorial to explain the fast SSS Skin function.You know it‘s the soul part for every good renderer.a pretty face picture can make the Centileo world famous,as i wish.
Sure, the SSS is super important. We want it to be as nice and fast as possible. However, recording tutorials right now is a little bit problem because we are too busy in a run for features implementation like multi-GPU, displacement, hair, motion blur and other every day requests, bug fixes.
When things become slightly easier on technical part then we will give a lot more attention for tutorials and demos.
CentiLeo Chat:
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