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CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.500 available (nice bug fixes)
Bug: Centileo should avaluate the play and stop(please add a stop button) of the IPR, not the window.
because sometimes I need render in Picture Viewer but I want to maintain the IPR opened(not rendering, just opened).
Edited: Rodrigo Bitencourt Rodrigues - Aug 3, 2017 11:34
Administrator  Posts: 950
Aug 3, 2017 12:33
I have evaluated the SculptTag issue with IPR. I have found that if SculptTag is directly attached to an object then updates don't perform in IPR. But if not attached and we modify some object with e.g. a knife then changes are applied automatically.

However, the issue seems to be a potential bug of SculptTag. CentiLeo IPR relies on some special dirty flags that signal that something in scene has changed, we go down and look at object dirty flags, then tags, and etc. And only if dirty flags are on we get the data content to load to IPR. And when SculptTag is attched no changes are reported. Nowhere. It shouldn't be so. I think it should be the same issue with other renderers, but I will check with Maxon techsup of course.

Rodrigo Bitencourt Rodrigues wrote:
Bug: Centileo should avaluate the play and stop(please add a stop button) of the IPR, not the window.
because sometimes I need render in Picture Viewer but I want to maintain the IPR opened(not rendering, just opened).
If we open Picture Viewer then we need to clear the scene of IPR from memory (can't keep 2 scenes in CentiLeo since it is a lot of vaste of resources).
If we implement maintaining the IPR window and open PV for work then IPR will be just a window with cached image and no scene, no interactive render process while PV is running own render.
CentiLeo Chat:
I understand Kirg. thank you
Can I suggest something about the material preview scene?
please use a squared Area Light, this make the material preview a lot more sexy and I can see the Roughness value with more precision
can you send me the default material scene? just for some tests?
Edited: Rodrigo Bitencourt Rodrigues - Aug 4, 2017 13:40
Administrator  Posts: 950
Aug 5, 2017 04:54
Hi Rodrigo! I have made further entire tests with Sculpt Tag. It is just silent if we check it's results in a usual way. It doesn't report that geometry is changed. Currently only Manual Reload option for this in IPR. That's dissapointing and it should be a bug of Cinema or some plugin that they have acquired. We posted to them about this. Hopefully they will suggest a workaround. Other renderers with IPR also have the same problem. Btw nobody before us asked Maxon about this on their development forum.

As for Material Editor scene then it is hardcoded in source codes just for better speed. I.e. no actual scene in file. There are plans to extend this with preview models other than just a sphere. E.g. there can be boxes, planes, sphere, cylinder, torus. And probably there will be a centileo shaderball there too (not sure yet).
The light source in that hardcoded scene is disc area light (quite small) that was tuned to get less noise for the case of very strethed anisotropic highlights. When we add GGX (soon) then things may change. Anyway these ME works are postponed untill we improve our core with features for more mature state (versions 0.6 and 2-3 months since now).

I can type params and coordinates of that scene just to recreate it in C4D file after we finish 0.51.
CentiLeo Chat:
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