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Test with centileo and forest in C4D
Test with centileo and forest in C4D
A small test uses centileo renderer and the forest plug-in. It seems that there is a small problem with centrileo's support for the forest plug-in. Cloned trees need to be transformed into editable objects in order to correctly render the material of trees.
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jul 30, 2021 13:01
Thanks for noting a problem. Please, can you give me a link to this forest plugin and some small scene example? I will investigate this.
Btw, you may add variation using Random node or Gradient Ramp + Random nodes to add variation of green for the trees.
CentiLeo Chat:
According to my test, when using the forester plug-in, individual tree can be rendered correctly. When the trees are cloned onto the ground, the material will turn black.

this is a test scene

this is forester website:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jul 31, 2021 08:34
Oh, the Forester! Ok. Thanks for the links, I will look there, fix and then get back to you.
CentiLeo Chat:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Aug 30, 2021 06:21
Btw, the issue you reported was fixed in the latest 0.64 release
CentiLeo Chat:
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