Forums » CentiLeo for Cinema 4D
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Rock Solid and Stable
Working all day with no crashes - wow :)
Hello all
This is just a quick image of my workflow using Centileo with Cinema 4d. I do my modelling as usual but leave the IPR open and just model away as normal and instead of running a quick render in Cinema, the work is continually updated in the IPR. Nothing new in that - Corona, Thea 2 and all the others do it. The difference with Centileo however is that is really fast and it's also rock solid stable. In my experience I've found I can use it all day with no renderer crashes - it great as it's normally so easy to lose work due to random crashes as you think everything is fine, until, boom, you've lost your work.
Wip.jpg (844.96 Kb)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Feb 23, 2021 18:45
Thanks Ron! Yes, the was a big work to catch the crash bugs thanks to testers and bugreports. And it's a fortune not to get more crashes after 0.60 release because it was a huge modification. I also like to open IPR in a second monitor while modelling something and test things immediatelly, and I can say that in a couple of versions the IPR scene compilations will become even faster.
Feel free to request the features you are missing in Centileo, there is a huge list to do, but knowing user priorities is always usefull.
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