It looks like CentiLeo dont recognize the "Film Offset" Settings in Cinema 4D.
In the editor view, its correct, but when I render, it dont use the settings.
It renders with Film Offset on "0".
C4D Film Offset Issue
Administrator Posts:
Yes, it's not recognized. Will fix this once will finish the current release workds. It's possible to support native C4D camera settings almost entirelly. 3ds Max has Physical camera with tilt options (and auto tilt) which will also be included there.
I think it's good to move this topic to C4D Discussion forum, just relevant to be there ![]()
CentiLeo Chat:
User Posts:
Hi, thanks for moving the topic, that makes more sence.
Great! The functionality of this is very important, because In my case for example, I wanted to photomatch and image. When you generate a camera with exactly the same settings as in the image, the "Film Offset" will change sometimes. If the engine not recognize that, it will be impossible to make a render exactly like the image.
Archviz Potfolio:
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I have just tested the editor view responds as expected to the changes. Will check things and make the feature.
CentiLeo Chat:
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I mean, when you photomatch an interior in Cinema4D. For example with the "camera calibrator". It will give you the exact same camera settings like in the image wich your are matching (focal length, senzor size) and sometimes the "film offset", when they are not at 0. And when you want to model now the interior from the image, the render will not be corrrect, because it doesn't recognize the "film offset".
Archviz Potfolio:
Administrator Posts:
Ok, thanks for explanation, will need to implement this
CentiLeo Chat:
User Posts:
Yes, big difference between c4d camera and ipr.
Please fix it!
Administrator Posts:
Hi Has, and welcome here! Camera Offset? Ok, I need to fix
CentiLeo Chat:
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Administrator Posts:
Has, and vblackrender., this is fixed now, please download CentiLeo 0.612
CentiLeo Chat:
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Amazing! Thanks!
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