Example: Do not output reflections from hdri to the floor.
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Есть ли в планах добавить функцию "Исключить" как это реализовано в physical?
Пример: Не выводить отражения от hdri на пол. |
User Posts:
Apr 25, 2021 12:00 Are there any plans to add the "Exclude" function as it is implemented in physical render?
Example: Do not output reflections from hdri to the floor.
Administrator Posts:
Apr 25, 2021 13:53 Yes, all include/exclude functionality for HDRI and light sources are in plans. This is must have.
As for this question, I think the close enough functionality is there already: 1) You may add several Sky objects each with CentiLeo Environment tag. E.g. in objects tree there are 2 Sky objects with diffrerent HDRI (or colors). 2) In the first Sky object CentiLeo Environment tag you make Reflection Intensity = 1 and other layers Intensity = 0 (for Diffuse, SSS, transmission, Camera...). This means that while this Sky object is at the first one in the scene, it will be enabled for non zero intesity channels. While for zero intesity values the other Sky objects under it will be evaluated 3) There is other second Sky object with Env tag where all Intensity values are 1 and they will be enabled for all channels except for Reflection. If my explanation isn't very clear, I will make a simple sample scene and upload it here. Just tell me ![]() Kirill
CentiLeo Chat:
User Posts:
Apr 26, 2021 02:33 I apologize, I did not put the question correctly. I mean, there are several objects in the scene + environment map (HDRI) The reflections on the floor should only be from these objects, while the reflections from the HDRI should affect the objects in the scene. If you understood me correctly and this is possible, I would be grateful if you throw a scene
Administrator Posts:
Apr 27, 2021 07:08 Thanks Has for clarification! So, the reflections from the floor shouldn't see HDRI, but other objects should see HDRI. This is not doable at the moment, but I will work on this. Will see the practices of compositing tag. And will explore the opportunity to make HDRI per material (this can be costly) or link the material to HDRI from scene tree.
CentiLeo Chat:
User Posts:
Apr 30, 2021 13:04 Thanks for your reply! Will wait foor updates!