Forums » CentiLeo for Cinema 4D
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grainy render
User  Posts: 8
Apr 2, 2022 06:53
i am pretty new to all this as well so a few cinema 4d tips will also help


whenever i render the whole scene has so much grain how do i fix it ? or rather change it ?

and does normal c4d lightning suppose to not work in centileo render?
Edited: ron134 - Apr 2, 2022 07:00
Administrator  Posts: 950
Apr 2, 2022 07:10
Hi ron134,
To get rid of noise that you call grainy you have to increase the number of render iterations in CentiLeo render settings.
Also CentiLeo uses own materials (CentiLeo material and all sorts of textures/shaders). And it uses Cinema 4D light sources as the base but they need to be connected with CentiLeo light tags that extend the base light source with several extra settings available for CentiLeo.
Sure we need to launch a complete documenation about the software, we will do it after finishing the next technical release
CentiLeo Chat:
User  Posts: 8
Apr 2, 2022 07:12
Edited: ron134 - Apr 2, 2022 08:07
User  Posts: 8
Apr 2, 2022 08:06
Kirgman wrote:
Hi ron134 ,
To get rid of noise that you call grainy you have to increase the number of render iterations in CentiLeo render settings.
Also CentiLeo uses own materials (CentiLeo material and all sorts of textures/shaders). And it uses Cinema 4D light sources as the base but they need to be connected with CentiLeo light tags that extend the base light source with several extra settings available for CentiLeo.
Sure we need to launch a complete documenation about the software, we will do it after finishing the next technical release
i managed to fix the iterations part however
do you have a small guide or a library for the materials as of now before the next technical release ?
Administrator  Posts: 950
Apr 2, 2022 09:45
No yet, there are plans to make a library of materials. However, current material engine is pretty much similar to C4D native or Corona or Octane. Same values of material parameters produce the similar result
CentiLeo Chat:
User  Posts: 8
Apr 2, 2022 09:47
Kirgman wrote:
No yet, there are plans to make a library of materials. However, current material engine is pretty much similar to C4D native or Corona or Octane. Same values of material parameters produce the similar result

i am having some issues with the material
first i got no idea how to use them
2nd no matter what i do i dont get the reflective result i want it just keeps being like a black plastic no matter what i change lights do nothing as well
Administrator  Posts: 950
Apr 2, 2022 09:56
If you use CentiLeo node materials then each material has several layers: Reflection1, Reflection2, Transmission, Diffuse, SSS, Translucent, Alpha. Each layer has it's own paramers such as weight, color and roughness, ior and others. Additionally there is a tab called "Inputs" it has the list of all material layers that you can enable/disable with a flag. This is a standard thing as in C4D native materials.
If you use Menu based old style CentiLeo materials (in Cinema 4D older than R21) then there is a tab called "Basic" where you can enable/disable all material layers.
CentiLeo Chat:
User  Posts: 8
Apr 2, 2022 12:28
Kirgman wrote:
If you use CentiLeo node materials then each material has several layers: Reflection1, Reflection2, Transmission, Diffuse, SSS, Translucent, Alpha. Each layer has it's own paramers such as weight, color and roughness, ior and others. Additionally there is a tab called "Inputs" it has the list of all material layers that you can enable/disable with a flag. This is a standard thing as in C4D native materials.
If you use Menu based old style CentiLeo materials (in Cinema 4D older than R21) then there is a tab called "Basic" where you can enable/disable all material layers.
can you show me some pics for reference i am kinda lost
ron134 wrote:
Kirgman wrote:
No yet, there are plans to make a library of materials. However, current material engine is pretty much similar to C4D native or Corona or Octane. Same values of material parameters produce the similar result
i am having some issues with the material
first i got no idea how to use them
2nd no matter what i do i dont get the reflective result i want it just keeps being like a black plastic no matter what i change lights do nothing as well
the centileo light object defaults to an omni light (I think, or its area light), but go to the light tag and increase the shape radius. It defaults to something very small so you can't really see any light coming off it. Increase it until you can see the light object in the ipr so you know how big it is, then adjust it and also the multiplier to adjust the amount of light being produced. Use auto ipr to see changes as you make them.
Make sure you also have a centileo environment object. This is the only way to have light rendered. You don't need an HDRi mapped to the texture, but it gives better lighting depending on the scene. They are free online. HDRi Haven, etc.

As for the materials, adjust the reflection IOR and roughness (colour roughness barely makes any difference, so only worry about reflexion properties mostly).
IOR is how reflective the surface is. Increasing makes it more mirror like. And if you want a chrome mirror surface just max out IOR and disable the diffuse node entirely.
Reflection roughness of 0 will make the shinier surface with max gloss. Think of a plastic surface that is very shiny, and max roughness makes it like a plastic surface you cannot see yourself in like a mirror.

When you add a centileo material you could double click the icon that gets created and enter node editor. I suggest learning nodes if you want better materials with surface imperfections.
greyscalegorilla has great tutorials. 3dFluff and Eyedesyn have really good creative and helpful tutorials on YouTube as well.
For quick tips use QuickVFX or pixellab.

Once you learn the basics of materials and lighting setups it will be much easier.
I suggest starting learning animating keyframes and then dynamics. Those are the most fun to play around with. Cloner objects and sweeps and deformers. Lots of things to learn and useful to create with.
But be careful with softbody dynamics (squishy objects) unless you want to crash your program
Edited: ssjenforcer - Apr 2, 2022 19:43
Administrator  Posts: 950
Apr 3, 2022 22:00
ron134 wrote:
can you show me some pics for reference i am kinda lost
I hope these few pages may show some idea how shader nodes can be used:

You can drag&drop your images from windows explorer to node editor and CentiLeo bitmap will be auto-created. By default it uses texture projection determined by TextureTag of the object where material is assigned. However you can change it using uvwProjection node where you can either use a procedural texture mapping coordinates or reference one of UVW Tags that are assigned to your object.

Sure, we need to write a manual for shaders of CentiLeo because there are a lot of nice things that can be done. Also during shader writting I tried to follow the similar practice as native Cinema 4D nodes, so they can be somehow similar.
Do you want me to share a shader ball scene with some materials?

ssjenforcer, thanks for help to new user! 8)
CentiLeo Chat:
Kirgman wrote:
ron134 wrote:
can you show me some pics for reference i am kinda lost
I hope these few pages may show some idea how shader nodes can be used:

You can drag&drop your images fr om windows explorer to node editor and CentiLeo bitmap will be auto-created. By default it uses texture projection determined by TextureTag of the object where material is assigned. However you can change it using uvwProjection node wh ere you can either use a procedural texture mapping coordinates or reference one of UVW Tags that are assigned to your object.

Sure, we need to write a manual for shaders of CentiLeo because there are a lot of nice things that can be done. Also during shader writting I tried to follow the similar practice as native Cinema 4D nodes, so they can be somehow similar.
Do you want me to share a shader ball scene with some materials?

ssjenforcer , thanks for help to new user!
yeah I would be happy if youd share thanks !
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