We did it for Catholic Christmas! Like a presen from Santa.

Merry Christmas to those celebrating it today!
CentiLeo 0.47 alpha for Cinema 4D R16-R18 is available.
It has a lot of quality improvements. Post-processing contrast adds nice image feeling. While most work was spent for material behavior improvement and bugfixing. Really many things were polished in cntl std material.
Download here:
Recommendation to increase render speed:
Download shaderball:
User manual updated fro 0.44:
Change Log: cntlc4d 0.471 alpha (2016 Dec 31)
[core] Improved render speed for scenes with many lights and rough reflections
[core] Improved render speed for bump mapping on polished surfaces (with roughness close to zero)
[core] Fixed fireflies in few situtations
Change Log: cntlc4d 0.470 alpha (2016 Dec 24)
[core] Added post-processing contrast setting. 0.5 by default, it makes the image more realistic
[core] cntlStdMaterial: glossyness usage as alternative to roughness (if checked then roughness is replaced with glossyness and treated accordingly).
[core] cntlStdMaterial: weight*color mixing mode similar to other engines
[core] cntlFalloff: parallel falloff mode
[core] Faster many-bounce internal reflections inside complex glass object.
[core] Roughness remapping. Now all the range 0..1 is more interesting unlike before when most interesting values were close to zero.
[core] Many bugfixes for material behavior when roughness is changed. Now the highlights are changing smoothly for small change of roughness.
[core] Fixes environment map brightness when seen through reflection
[C4D plugin] Post-process can be performed when render is paused
[C4D plugin] Fixed crash when shader is attached to shader slot
[C4D plugin] Few bugfixes for animation recording (however some objects like spheres need to undergo the command “Current state to object”). This part of renderer will be soon improved even further.
Enjoy rendering with CentiLeo and tell you opinion!