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CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.575 available - many additional shader nodes
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 19, 2018 15:03
Hello everyone!

We now release an update CentiLeo 0.57 for Cinema 4D R16-R20. The new release adds flexible UVW Projection, Transform and Distortion shader nodes in the manner of Cinema R20. UVW nodes add a lot of flexibility in combination with Bitmaps. Also added easy to setu[ Flakes and Scratches shader nodes for procedural imperfections. Improved Random and Triplanar shaders. Added other usefull shaders like Patterns, Layer, Ramp, Curve Map, Remap, Wire, Side. The other shader nodes are also improved.
We will work on the render speed optimizations for the next release.

Please, test it and share your opinion!
Best regards,

Download link (site registration required):

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.575 alpha (2019 March 30)
[cntlc4d] Fixed crash at Cinema 4D R20.059 launch for some other events. The older Cinema R20 builds don’t need this fix.

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.574 alpha (2019 March 28)
[cntlc4d] Fixed crash at Cinema 4D R20.059 launch (just updated to the modified C4D SDK). The older Cinema R20 builds don’t need this fix.

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.573 alpha (2019 March 22)
[core] Fixed Windows 10 memory bug which could cause crashes in scenes with a lot of geometry and textures.
[note] A user can remove texture cache files *.mctx because in new version the texture caches of other bugfixed format with names *.cntx will be auto-generated.

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.572 alpha (2019 March 6)
[core] Fixed artifact bug when SSS doesn’t follow motion blur.
[core] Fixed wrong clamping for 16+ bit bitmaps when used for displacement.
[core] Fixed some triplanar mapping artifacts.
[core] Fixed wrong bump mapping over displacement mapping (when bump and displace maps are different).

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.571 alpha (2018 December 20)
[cntlc4d] Fixed focus distance bug on camera object when CentiLeo camera tag is assigned.

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.570 alpha (2018 December 19)
[core] New UVW Projection node supporting up to 4 UVW tags (mesh uv), spherical, cylindrical, cubic, flat, flat side, spatial and XYZ texture mapping coordinates. Texture coordinate system can be further manipulated (offset, scale, rotation) in the same way as Coordinates Tab of Texture Tag or UVW Projection node of Cinema R20. Offset, scale and rotation can be textured. Procedural texture coordinates are currently determined in the Texture Tag space (related to the object where it is assigned).
[core] New UVW Transform node which performs further manipulations on projected texture coordinates in the same way as the similar node of Cinema R20. Supported manipulations are offset, scale, rotation, pivot, rand offset, repetitions - these parameters can be textured.
[core] Rand offset of UVW Transform generates random texture coordinate offsets inside each tile (useful to break repeating patterns of the tiled bitmaps).
[core] Decals or labels can be easily done using Decal checkbox in UVW Transform node connected to the Bitmap where the color of non-decal area is specified by “out of UVW” parameter.
[core] New UVW Distortion node which manipulates the input projected texture coordinates based on distortion scale and amount. Both parameters can be textured.
[core] Triplanar shader node now supports the input for UVW Projection which can specify the orientation of 3 planar projections.
[core] Bitmap node now supports crop, triplanar projection and custom UVW coordinates.
[core] Noise node now supports Voronoi F1, F2, F3, F4 and F2-F1 patterns. Also added Woody and Cell noise types. Added option for Noise output quantization.
[core] New Pattern node supporting few different wave patterns and checker.
[core] New procedural Scratches node which can easily add random scratch imperfections to material bump maps.
[core] Improved Random shader node with new option “Randomize by Object parts”. This option generates random output colors for the different parts for the single object. The object part is a region without polygon connections to other object parts.
[core] New Ramp node which can produce different colors based on the grayscale Input Map values and configuration of the Gradient knots. Up to 30 Gradient Knot values can be textured to produce flexible customization for the output.
[core] New procedural Flakes node which can easily add random metallic flakes to materials. This node may produce bump map if attached to Bump parameter. It can produce colored flakes too if the Flakes node is connected to the colored Ramp node and the Flakes Output mode is Flake IDs (flake ids produces random grayscale flakes).
[core] New Layer shader node which can combine up to 7 layers using different mixing modes (like Photoshop) where each layer has a color and mask.
[core] New Curve Map node which can change the values of Input Map to the different output based on the curve knots configuration.
[core] New Remap node which can change each channel of the Input Map from one range of values to the other range of values using the linear scaling.
[core] New Surface Wire node which highlights the edges of object triangles.
[core] New Surface Side node which helps making different output for Front/Back surface sides.
[core] Fixed some rare issues when black and white bump map and normal map are combined.
[core] Added support for different Anisotropy tangents for Reflection1 and Reflection2. Also added improved cylindrical option for procedural anisotropy tangent.
[cntlc4d] Improved GUI for materials and shaders. E.g. the edit button doesn’t jump down when the shader is unrolled.
[cntlc4d] The Coordinates Tab and projection types of Texture Tag are supported (except of camera based projections).
[cntlc4d] CentiLeo Bitmaps and Environment maps are now collected correctly when the project is saved with the assets.
[cntlc4d] Fixed cloner object parsing issues which produced wrong scenes for CentiLeo.
[cntlc4d] Scene parsing now accounts for Cinema layer visibility changes.
[cntlc4d] Bitmap reset cache button is back.

Known issues to be solved
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from Cinema 4D native materials (only diffuse color and texture are converted and translated if assigned to the object)
- May not support non-latin texture paths.

Important note
We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.
Edited: Kirgman - Apr 18, 2020 21:37 (Update 0.572 with bugfixes)
CentiLeo Chat:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 20, 2018 13:00
CentiLeo 0.571: Fixed focus distance bug on camera object when CentiLeo camera tag is assigned.
CentiLeo Chat:
it seems something wrong in Displacement .
Displacement.jpg (141.91 Kb)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 21, 2018 04:56
Aimar NL_21 wrote:
it seems something wrong in Displacement .
Hi Aimar, I probably guess what's the problem. Please, can you send me a bitmap for some tests? To or here
CentiLeo Chat:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 21, 2018 05:08
Aimar NL_21 wrote:
it seems something wrong in Displacement .
and also try to multiply the bitmap in photoshop by value 0.9 or 0.95. It will lower all peaks and they will not be clamped here. Is it jpg or other 8 bit image?
you may increase the values later in a bitmap shader or by displacement height scale.
CentiLeo Chat:
Kirgman wrote:
Aimar NL_21 wrote:
it seems something wrong in Displacement .
and also try to multiply the bitmap in photoshop by value 0.9 or 0.95. It will lower all peaks and they will not be clamped here. Is it jpg or other 8 bit image?
you may increase the values later in a bitmap shader or by displacement height scale.
it Is TIF 16 bit.
after some playing with bitmap i fixed it .
and why corona haven't this problem
Edited: Aimar NL_21 - Dec 21, 2018 13:31
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 22, 2018 13:10
Don't worry, I will fix the issue. It happend because I tried to fix some aritifacts with dispalement for 8-bit images where almost white values created displacemnt aliasing. That fix shoudn't be enabled for 16-bit images. Simple :)
CentiLeo Chat:

First time CentiLeo user here. Congrats on the awesome development so far. So much has happened since I first read about the project a while back.

While rendering in the IPR my computer gets very sluggish and unresponsive. Any settings to get around this?

My setup is,

i7 5960x
3x gtx 980ti
64gb RAM
Windows 10

Administrator  Posts: 950
Feb 6, 2019 14:26
Hi Carl! And welcome here!
One of my development setup is a bit worse, 32GB RAM and 3x 970GTX. It's rarely have sluggy perf in IPR.
What kind of scene do you have? Polycounts, textures? Do you use some physical simulators at the same time?
It can be the case if you run several programs that use GPU somehow and they cut GPU resources step by step. And then you enter CentiLeo and it takes some resources too. When there are too small resources it may have some problems. For example, when you are in IPR right-click on mouse and see what GPUs are actually running, what percent of total work each GPU is doing (number next to GPU name), and how the GPU memory is arranged (for textures/geometry and rays). Maybe a screenshot may give me some info.

One option to fix that is to go to Render Settings -> Tab Hardware Settings. There you may enable/disable the GPUs for your scene. And also you may enable/disable "low priority" mode. For example, try to disable the monitor GPU and leave all others for render. Or try to enable "low priority" for monitor GPU and disable "low priority" for all others.

Anyway, there is a big optimization ongoing work for the next 0.58 release. Our internal GPU kernels will become lightweight and faster. This should help a lot not only for general render speed but also for IPR responsiveness. So, stay tuned, in few months there will be an update :)
CentiLeo Chat:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Mar 6, 2019 16:39
Change Log: cntlc4d 0.572 alpha (2019 March 6)
[core] Fixed artifact bug when SSS doesn’t follow motion blur.
[core] Fixed wrong clamping for 16+ bit bitmaps when used for displacement.
[core] Fixed some triplanar mapping artifacts.
[core] Fixed wrong bump mapping over displacement mapping (when bump and displace maps are different).
CentiLeo Chat:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Mar 22, 2019 17:15
Change Log: cntlc4d 0.573 alpha (2019 March 22)
[core] Fixed Windows 10 memory bug which could cause crashes in scenes with a lot of geometry and textures.
CentiLeo Chat:
I Cinema 4D R20.059 update and now it does not work :cry:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Mar 28, 2019 14:39
Fixed the issue for R20.059 :)
CentiLeo Chat:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Mar 28, 2019 14:41
Change Log: cntlc4d 0.575 alpha (2019 March 30)
[cntlc4d] Fixed crash at Cinema 4D R20.059 launch
CentiLeo Chat:
User  Posts: 1
May 13, 2019 08:33
Just registered to try this out but can't get either of both versions to work.

EDIT: Nevermind, i'm on a mac.
Edited: Leif - Nov 6, 2019 06:54
Administrator  Posts: 950
May 13, 2019 09:16
Yes, Leif! Sorry about that. Mac isn't supported because we are still on CUDA
CentiLeo Chat:
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