Chrome material, how?
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This is due to existance of 2 Fresnel IOR modes: dielectric and conductor. Ours is dielectric at the moment. Conductor is for metals and it has complex value (2 settings ior and k, and 1 switch between modes). Fresnel dielectric can mimic conductors with high IOR values and look similar but with less controls (and less real physics). Renderers usually have either one or both modes. Not a problem to add conductor, I just wanted to make material GUI simpler, however it already has many other settings, especially that long material box in node editor canvas
CentiLeo Chat:
Chrome material, how?
Administrator Posts:
1) Reflection1 (layer weight is multiplied by the weight computed from IOR) 2) Reflection2 (layer weight is multiplied by the weight computed from IOR) 3) Transmission (only weight value) 4) Translucent (only weight value) 5) SSS (only weight value) 6) Diffuse (only weight value) Each layer weight determines the portion of layer contribution stack based (high level layers with largest priority). E.g. the first layer has weight=0.3, then all underlying layers have 1-0.3=0.7 multiplier. For example, the second layer has 0.4 weight setting, while after the first layer reduction it means the second has 0.7*0.4=0.28 contribution in total. While the layers below the second one have 0.7*(1-0.4)=0.42 weight, and so on. So if you make weight=1 for top layer you will hide underlying layers. This way you can make a glass, with reflection1 and transmission with same IOR values, you can make different IORs if you want. You may stack two reflections on top of transmission. The Color value is used to multiply reflectivity after layer contribution is determined by weight x IOR_weight. The Color doesn't make space for other layers, everything is controlled by weights and IORs for reflections. To make Chrome you can make Reflection1 weight=1, IOR=20 or 50 (for example) and Color with some slight blue tint, roughness=0. The second reflection may have larger roughness=0.3 white color. Other rendereres have same material rules, but sometimes there is metallic/conductor IOR with additional to IOR setting. This can be replaced with just high value of the current single setting IOR.
CentiLeo Chat:
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Look at this sample. Not a dispersion, but it adds color variation to refractive faces
CentiLeo Chat:
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Hi Nikola, and welcome here! Currently, dispersion is not yet available. It will be implemernted in the future.
However, it's probably possible to imitate this effect with Ramp shader (with knots corresponding to differerent spectrum colors) and Falloff shader connected to Ramp input_map. Falloff will give different grey intensity based on view angle. Although I haven't tested this approach ![]()
CentiLeo Chat:
First Complete Project in Centileo, Leaving gift for friend
Administrator Posts:
Hi Ron! Thanks for sharing! Thats a very nice image! I see you have made the glass with liquids right. As for oranges and apples I would also test the mix of diffuse color texture with Subsurface (SSS) amount a little bit. You can use similar colors as diffuse for SSS (or with some redadditional tint). Also a small SSS radius can make the shadows softer similar to the image on centileo.com homepage!
Node editor is a great thing! Just need to work in CentiLeo node space. They are the same as our usual textures but have this nice view of all texture connections in front of modeler eyes to see the large picture of what is going on there. It just gives the better visual representation and makes complex shader/texture relations easier. For example you can drag and drop the image from OS explorer to the node editor window and the corresponding CentiLeo Bitmap node will appear. Btw I have fixed that issue with Textures Fading Away Best regards, Kirill
CentiLeo Chat:
Centileo Node Space? Help
Administrator Posts:
Hi W1LY, welcome here! Yes, Cinema nodes are built this way. There are several node spaces: a default one is "current" it corresponds to selected renderer in render settings. You should select CentiLeo in render settings.
You may also switch node spaces in the top right corner of Cinema window, there is dropdown box there. Once you select the renderer and node space you can create node materials that will be initialised with CentiLeo data.
CentiLeo Chat:
Realflow Mesher Object
Administrator Posts:
Hi! The RealFlow is integrated with motion blur!
You may just follow the steps described in the release article
CentiLeo Chat:
Realflow Mesher Object
Administrator Posts:
Thank you too! Btw, RealFlow itself has bugs inside it. So, for example for scenes with RF I will change the behavior of CentiLeo scene compilation in IPR, it will not happen in a background thread but in the main GUI thread. This is less nice but has no crashes of RF. Also for motion blur in IPR or PV the caching/backing of the simulation will be a must have.
OpenVDB? I would love to do it this year, but hardly believe it will happen this year. Maybe the next year! Still there are plenty of other important things to do.
CentiLeo Chat:
composition tag, exclusion
Administrator Posts:
Thanks Has for clarification! So, the reflections from the floor shouldn't see HDRI, but other objects should see HDRI. This is not doable at the moment, but I will work on this. Will see the practices of compositing tag. And will explore the opportunity to make HDRI per material (this can be costly) or link the material to HDRI from scene tree.
CentiLeo Chat:
composition tag, exclusion
Administrator Posts:
Yes, all include/exclude functionality for HDRI and light sources are in plans. This is must have.
As for this question, I think the close enough functionality is there already: 1) You may add several Sky objects each with CentiLeo Environment tag. E.g. in objects tree there are 2 Sky objects with diffrerent HDRI (or colors). 2) In the first Sky object CentiLeo Environment tag you make Reflection Intensity = 1 and other layers Intensity = 0 (for Diffuse, SSS, transmission, Camera...). This means that while this Sky object is at the first one in the scene, it will be enabled for non zero intesity channels. While for zero intesity values the other Sky objects under it will be evaluated 3) There is other second Sky object with Env tag where all Intensity values are 1 and they will be enabled for all channels except for Reflection. If my explanation isn't very clear, I will make a simple sample scene and upload it here. Just tell me ![]() Kirill
CentiLeo Chat:
Realflow Mesher Object
Administrator Posts:
Hello Walterlee! Thanks a lot for sending a sample and pushing me into wonderfull Realflow area! Hope to fix all within few days.
1) Currently you may render Realflow mesher objects if you cache the simulation/mesher. In this case it works. But if not cached it doesn't work because CentiLeo copies the scene and compiles it in a background thread to prevent main viewport longer freeze during scene compilation. However, the copy of Realflow objects returns empty object (if they are not cached). This is a bug of either Cinema or Realflow. I already discussed it with Maxon regarding TP, and they fixed the issues for TP and scene copy in S24, but the problem still exists for Reaflow if we run it's R23 compilation in S24. Actually I will try to fix the issue somehow, either not using a copy (but working fine with original scene) when we have Realflow objects, or use original scene if we click "Full Scene Reload" - it will also work fine. Just want to not complicate the user setup. Also want to keep background thread scene compilation where it applies and where it works. 2) Vertex deformation blur. Reaflow mesher generates Vertex Maps with Velocity X, Y, Z. I will shortly make few settings in CentiLeo object tag to apply them for motion blur. Other engines do it the same way. Best regards, Kirill
CentiLeo Chat:
Realflow Mesher Object
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Hello Walterlee and welcome here!
Please can you send me some sample scene to Do I need to install "Realflow|Cinema4D 3" plugin?
CentiLeo Chat:
C4d 24, The Centileo c4d 23 Plugin works in C4d 24
Administrator Posts:
Hi Ron, S24 dedicated release is available since now
CentiLeo Chat:
Centileo 0.612 Seems very unstable, Crashes often when opening IPR
Administrator Posts:
Ron, thank you for scene to email!
With this I have fixed the bug and it's uploaded to " ![]()
CentiLeo Chat:
Centileo 0.612 Seems very unstable, Crashes often when opening IPR
Administrator Posts:
Hi Ron, I have assumed few things could be wrong potentially and have generated another package of plugins with potential fixes for stability.
Please, can you check them? This is the experimental CentiLeo plugin:
CentiLeo Chat:
Centileo 0.612 Seems very unstable, Crashes often when opening IPR
Administrator Posts:
Ron, this is a quick note. Make sure to remove the old CentiLeoRXX plugin (all folders and DLLs). And only then copy the 0.612 to that place. Probably some DLL files were left unchanged and this makes crashes.
I am not seeing any crashes in my scenes yet also with stacked texture tags. And if you send me a scene, please, write the Cinema 4D version in use, and GPU model too.
CentiLeo Chat:
Centileo 0.612 Seems very unstable, Crashes often when opening IPR
Administrator Posts:
Hi Ron! Oh no
![]() Cinema bugrep files don't help in our case.
CentiLeo Chat:
Stacked Texture Tag Problems, Any stacked textures in C4d don't render correctly - nothing appears
Administrator Posts:
Ron, the issue is fixed! See new 0.612 update in download section.
CentiLeo Chat:
C4D Film Offset Issue
Administrator Posts:
Has, and vblackrender., this is fixed now, please download CentiLeo 0.612
CentiLeo Chat:
Stacked Texture Tag Problems, Any stacked textures in C4d don't render correctly - nothing appears
Administrator Posts:
Hi Ron, thanks for reporting a bug. I am sure I tested it before release. But something was broken with avoiding a recompilation related to the prior bugfix. Investigating currently...
CentiLeo Chat: