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Hi Peirato! Welcome to CentiLeo
![]() ![]()
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Hi RAin3D_ and welcome here! Please can you send me a scene file with textures to
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Btw the sample above has 2 light sources: HDR Sky and Sun. They cast different shadows on the Ground Plane to the left and right of the object. You may change the shadow strength of each light using Matte Shadow Weight value in CentiLeo light tag of respective light source
CentiLeo Chat:
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You probably missed the "Shadow Catcher" flag in CentiLeo material for ground object. Check here pls
CentiLeo Chat:
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Replied here
Sorry for long reply pls ![]()
CentiLeo Chat:
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Hi, this is a sample with shadow catcher setup:
1. Image 001.png. Make a Ground Plane object (higlighted), assign CentiLeo material to it, in material Diffuse settigns check Shadow Catcher flag as highlighted on the image. 2. Image 002.png. Setup your HDR lighting. Select the file of hdr as shown here. You may optionally override the HDR for couple of contributions (coming from Reflection, Camera or Diffuse, etc). In this example we override the texture for Reflections. They will be drawn from some other Sky Override object. We also override Matte Shadow contribution, it will cast the shadows from "Sky Override" lighting to the Ground Plane object. Also you can change the strength of shadows that are casted on the Ground Plane. The shadows can be casted from HDR Sky objects as described above and from Sun light source (with CentiLeo light tag) and from Omni light souce (also with CentiLeo light tag). To manage the shadow strength of each light source you may change the "Matte Shadow Weight" as hightlight on 002.png 3. Image 003.png. To get the mask of object and shadows just open the CentiLeo render settings, AOVs/passes Tab, and in that place please enable "Alpha channel" flag as highlighted on the image. This way you be able to select Alpha chanel pass in IPR window as you can see. Also this pass will be provided inside Picture Viewer render together with Beauty image. 4. Image 004.png. To get the image with transparent background and the semi-transparent shadows on top of that just enable "Transparent background" option as highlighted on the image. The shared sample has this .c4d file with textures. Kirill
CentiLeo Chat:
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Hi Kaki! I think CentiLeo is already quite stable and has very good amount of features. Of course more features will be added. But I think it's rather stable
CentiLeo Chat:
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Have you realiszed how to make shadow catcher?
So, assign a material to a plane where you want to get shadows drawn on a background. This material should have "Matte / Shadow Catcher" flag enabled in node-based materials. In different material implementations (node-based or not) there is either shadow catcher or matte name for this. Also you can cast the shadows with different shadow intensity to this plane object from other scene objects. This shadow intensity can be controlled for Sky + CentiLeo environment tag, for Directional / Sun light source or Omni light source with CentiLeo light tag. In all light tag settings "shadow catcher" value changes the shadow intensity.
CentiLeo Chat:
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I understand the problem. At the moment the selection of objects to get included into alpha channel or object buffer or any other mask buffer is not supported. But will do this in the future, there will be a lot of flexibility there because CentiLeo allows to render a lot of render buffers at once and keep really many images.
CentiLeo Chat:
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For sure we need to implement the complete support of composite tag, this is very important. And also implement a lot more AOV/extra render buffer types. This is in a roadmap and not really hard to do. But currently are doing other important things
CentiLeo Chat:
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ssjenforcer, open CentiLeo render settings, there is AOVs tab. In this tab please make "Alpha channel" flag enabled. So, in IPR you will see the Alpha chanel buffer together with Beauty image. Also in Picture Viewer there will be both Beauty and Alpha images.
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Hi hao qiqi0, in IPR mode to make displacement working you need to click "Tesselate" button (in displacement settings) or Tess button in IPR window each time you change displacement settings or change camera position or image resolution. This simple manual work is needed to prevent from constant consuming object tesselation when you actively change the settings and because displacement object tesselations depend on camera parameters too (they are adaptive for viewer position).
Of course, in Picture Viewer mode clicking Tess button is not needed because this is done automatically. As for displacement settings. You have checkbox "Adapt to pixels" enabled. This means that the tesselation mode (triangle sizes) inside the camera will be adaptive to the distance from camera to surface point. In this case the option Edge size [pixels] is taking effect. Each resulting triangle size will be of the size close to "Edge size [pixels]". It's wise to make the value 1 pixels or 0.5 pixels for production and 2 pixels for testing purposes. Edge [world] is used when the value "Adapt to pixels" is off. Remove the texture from Displacement Alpha. This slot accepts the texture to determine the mask of area where displacement mapping texture is applied. If displacement isn't visible try to make Height value larger and Waterlevel zero. Also at first try to test the displacement texture on a plane to get the idea on sizes and scales. Then apply it for the bottle object. If nothing still doesn't work then please send this scene file with displacement texture to me to
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ssjenforcer, is the problem fixed after you changed a needed texture from displacement slot to normal map of material bump slot? Is there anything ok?
I have tested your scene. But it's without any image files, so the displacements and images are not evaluated. It renders for the same time for IPR and Picture Viewer. I don't see any render time differerenec for both render modes. However, I have catched some my small bug, where motion blur is not exactly the same for IPR and PV, there is very slight difference in evaluation intra-frame time positions, I will investigate there. Thanks for the scene, that helped to detect this!
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It's camera effect btw
CentiLeo Chat:
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1) In render settings you should select CentiLeo renderer. These settings have several tabs, one of them is Camera tab which has what you are looking for. Keep in mind that transformation motion steps implement the motion blur of moving object transform matrices (move, scale, rotate). Keep in mind that transformation step can be set up to 32 and this will work for Picture Viewer renders, but in IPR render the transformation steps will be limited to up to 4 steps for performance.
2) While deformation blur in the same Camera settings tab implements deforming vertex coordinates inside object with constant number of polygons. 3) Also if you have varying polycount of dynamic object then there is a Centileo object tag that you find. This tag has slots to connect with motion vectors (other object tags) if simulation software supplies these motion vectors. These vectors allow to implement deformation motion blur for varying polycount. Such as here
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"transparent background" option will replace the background of image (area without objects) with a greyscale checkerboard pattern. This means that in place of checkeboard pattern you will get transparency if rendered image is saved with "png" or some other image format that supports transparency. This is also possible to project the semi-transparent shadows casted on a transparent background.
This has nothing to do with "alpha channel" flag in AOVs render settings. This alpha channel flag adds an additional black/white image pass to the main beauty pass. Alpha channel shows the white mask of objects on a black background.
CentiLeo Chat:
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In case you use the normal map encoding normal perturbation then just don't forget to check the flag "Is Normal Map" inside CentiLeo bitmap node. Thanks a lot for file upload!
CentiLeo Chat:
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If I do a scene by myself I will do everything right and will not get any problems. The file you sent me is a .fbx spacecraft model. I have imported it and it renders very fast. But I need to see the problems that arise in you scene. 50Mb is not a problem, you can use a google drive for example and send me a link.
CentiLeo Chat:
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Thank you for files sent, I see them and will check soon!
Btw, in previous message I have shown 6.48 iterations performed in 2:22 min. And now I see 16.14 iterations in 49 sec. Strange! But I will look inside ![]()
CentiLeo Chat:
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No, in this case distance property inside Sun tag doesn't do anything. It moves the object near-far but the overal implementation is that it's infinitelly far. Maybe native Cinema renderer interprets it somehow like spot or area light source. Maybe in Cinema the Sun tag distance doesn't have effect for Infinite light sources at all, I haven't tested really.
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