The Sun Light object in CentiLeo menu is based on Cinema native Infinite light source + CentiLeo light tag. It has no position, it considers it's infinitelly long away from the scene. It only illuminates from a certain angle which is controlled by object coords.
If you want to change the shadow softness casted by object when illuminated by this light then just change the "Lighting angle" in CentiLeo light tag. Make it 1-30 degrees or anything.
If the light intensity become dim or very bright then change it either as Overall Multiplier in CentiLeo light tag or either as Intensity in General settings of this light object.
CentiLeo lights, how do they work? I cannot make them more intense, Lights not able to brighten in IPR
How do you render?
Administrator Posts:
Operating on rendering animation frames is done in Cinema render settings (button Edit Render Settings), menu item "Output". In this section you will be able to select Fame Range to render.
Saving each frame automatically to file is controlled in Cinema render settings, menu item "Save". These are basics of Cinema 4D. What's your scene? What is this green field? A texture? A forest? Surely it looks strange slow. Please can you send me this scene file for tests? I am curious what's whong there.
CentiLeo Chat:
什么时候能够发布 正式版本,并且支持简体中文, 中国用户 十分期待
Administrator Posts:
Sure I will do this, there are Chinese files actually. Btw, it's possible to do even now for any use. He can just explore the res directory inside CentiLeo plugin, find *.str files - they describe all GUI words that we use for this or that module.
Also it's possible to translate Cinema/CentiLeo node space GUI for node materials/shaders. To do this one may open Resource Editor (type this in search string in top right corner of Cinema GUI). In this resource editor a user may find the CentiLeo nodespace database and go through all the materials and shaders to translate what is "Bitmap", what is "Ramp" and etc. There are not many, and things are quite easy.
CentiLeo Chat:
什么时候能够发布 正式版本,并且支持简体中文, 中国用户 十分期待
Administrator Posts:
Kaki, thank you very much! I hope we will be able to make translation to Chinese at some point in the future. Of course it includes not only renderer interface translation, but also a future documentation. Also here on this forum it's better to use English language (even translated by computer) to better search the information.
多谢 ![]()
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo lights, how do they work? I cannot make them more intense, Lights not able to brighten in IPR
Administrator Posts:
DGFD, what Cinema version? What console? CentiLeo also has some debug console - is it what you open?
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo lights, how do they work? I cannot make them more intense, Lights not able to brighten in IPR
Administrator Posts:
You can increase the multipliers larger than 1. Just type the value or use top-bottom arrows. 0-1 range is only for the left-right slider just to make the fixed range.
One guess is that you probably played with exposure too much or maybe with the scene scale. I just wanted to check this all by myself
CentiLeo Chat:
Motorcycle rendering test, Motorcycle rendering test
Administrator Posts:
Well, we tried to make our shader nodes similar to C4D shader nodes at some extent. There will be also other improvements there.
And for sure there will be a nice documentation with a lot of examples on shader nodes.
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo lights, how do they work? I cannot make them more intense, Lights not able to brighten in IPR
Administrator Posts:
ssjenforcer, how things are going? Still no message on our email
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo lights, how do they work? I cannot make them more intense, Lights not able to brighten in IPR
Administrator Posts:
Does your light has CentiLeo light tag? There there is a Multiplier and there are Multipliers of intensity for Camera, Diffuse, Reflection and other layera. Increase them and increas the overall Multiplier.
Also please send me an isolated scene example that reproduces the problem either attaching here or to
CentiLeo Chat:
Motorcycle rendering test, Motorcycle rendering test
Administrator Posts:
hao qiqi0, very nice, thanks for sharing! Did you use procedural Flakes node combined with Ramp node for colorizing the individual flakes?
Btw, the Flakes node also has greyscale output and it can be used for reflection roughness variation in case it's needed.
CentiLeo Chat:
Any tutorial or documentation for how to use CentiLeo materials?, I need help
Administrator Posts:
hao qiqi0, maybe let's talk English?
CentiLeo Chat:
Will caustics be available in the next version?, Will caustics be available in the next version?
Administrator Posts:
No, the caustics are not very easy to implement. But they are important. We plan to integrate them after commercial release. It may take months since now.
CentiLeo Chat:
Any tutorial or documentation for how to use CentiLeo materials?, I need help
Administrator Posts:
Normal maps are needed for fake bump effect. If you need this then in a Bitmap node please check "Is normal map" flag.
CentiLeo Chat:
Any tutorial or documentation for how to use CentiLeo materials?, I need help
Administrator Posts:
Show examples of your pictures where you think displacement is not so correct.
CentiLeo Chat:
Any tutorial or documentation for how to use CentiLeo materials?, I need help
Administrator Posts:
Sure there will be a manual with nice examples and a material converter, this is a must have. We tried to make CentiLeo very easy to use, we will add a lot more features to cover everything. The remaining part of development is not so large.
CentiLeo Chat:
Camera depth BUG
Administrator Posts:
Probably not a bug. CentiLeo uses Focus Distance value from C4D native Camera object. This value can be changed by C4D native tools, animated and targeted if I am not mistaken.
On top of that this Focus Distance can be changed inside CentiLeo IPR window with [AF] button (auto-focus). But this [AF] change will not make the focus distance to follow some object in focus. To do this, Cinema tools can be used, Cinema's autofocus with picker button.
CentiLeo Chat:
Caustic problem?, When can caustics and refraction be used?
Administrator Posts:
Hi Hao and welcome here! Caustics are not yet supported. They will be integrated in a longer term future as an additional render layer without any settings, but with a separate checkbox to add caustics per light source.
CentiLeo Chat:
Any tutorial or documentation for how to use CentiLeo materials?, I need help
Administrator Posts:
Hi! The own manual is not yet ready. Still doing the release dedicated to render time optimizations.
As for displacement, then here is a recipe: 1) CentiLeo Node materials 2) CentiLeo Output Material, it has Displacement slot 3) Connect Displacement texture to to Displacement slot. 4) If you are working with CentiLeo IPR click "Tess" button every time you change displacement settings or change camera position. 5) In Picture Viewer no need to click "Tess" buttion - this is processed automatically each time before rendering a frame.
CentiLeo Chat:
Rendering speed needs to be improved
Administrator Posts:
Hi, there are 10s of factors that influence on rendering speed for this or that scene. There are scenes where CentiLeo is faster than other renderers, and there are also scenes where it can be slower. At the moment we are working on render time optimizations to make it a lot faster in more cases.
Please show your example screenshot of a scene where the render speed should be improved.
CentiLeo Chat:
Ambient occlusion and bloom/glare
Administrator Posts:
Hi faxx_, welcome here! These features are not hard, they are in mid-term roadmap. At the moment we are working on render speed optimizations and hair/spline support.
CentiLeo Chat: