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problem with the baking simulation animation, Cinema 4D R21 rendering output problem
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 25, 2021 07:30
penguin, hi! And welcome here! Please, can you send me a file for tests? To It looks strange, I want to fix it.
CentiLeo Chat:
No exclude function in rendering?
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 21, 2021 22:44
ssjenforcer wrote:
I would also like this feature.
with 3delight I am able to use the composite tag to have my ground object plane invisible to the camera but still give reflections to objects on top of it.
This is very useful for making the ground render as alpha so I can composite objects into after effects.
I hope this feature is available now or soon, or it is a deal breaker for me to switch to this engine.
I'm looking forward to starting to use this centileo.

Also, I need to be able to catch shadows on the same ground plane and render out a shadow pass. Is this possible?
It seems all you want is possible right now. Just make a ground plane, drop a material with "Matte / Shadow Catcher" option On. Swich on Alpha Channel AOV - and it will render shadows on the plane, but will not show the plane in alpha channel. Also you can use Sphere (Omni) light sources or HDRI Sky with Shadow Cacher intensity to change the strength of shadows casted on matte/shadow cacher object
CentiLeo Chat:
The expected renderer, The renderer has already attracted a large number of Chinese users
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 19, 2021 17:54
Translation software seems to be very nice btw :)
CentiLeo Chat:
The expected renderer, The renderer has already attracted a large number of Chinese users
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 19, 2021 17:53
hongbao wrote:
1.Image files dragged directly into the preset library under the Sky object have no effect
they will work if you do this setting as described in the post

As for Object visibility tags and the other related things I will fix them after I do more technology improvements. Speedup is coming
CentiLeo Chat:
I want to know how to use "dirt", I tried to use octane's logic to use “dirt” but it doesn't work
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 19, 2021 11:01
Hi Cheese! Yes Dirt is not working now for couple of latest updates, I will have to fix.
CentiLeo Chat:
The expected renderer, The renderer has already attracted a large number of Chinese users
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 19, 2021 07:51
Thank you very much! How do you use our renderer, what kind of images do you produce? The idea is very cool
CentiLeo Chat:
R25 Asset Browser And Textures
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 13, 2021 16:55
That's very cool we win over Cycles-X, I hear this not for the first time. I have very high opininion about Cycles-X, they are very very good. And the truth is that currently am optimizing CentiLeo, it will be faster :)
As for material/texture representation in a viewport - I don't really know what is better. Sometimes ago I thought that current solution is nice, I also think to use Diffuse channel textures there by default, but this will load textures to viewport by default and will make the Cinema part of pipeline more heavy, so I kicked textures connected by default and left just a color to distingush the objects from each other.
Anyway there is IPR that displays everything and next version it will get viewport mode (with ray bounces = 0) to display just textures without lighting. And it's super fast, real-time, no noise, allowing to quickly work on texturing, UV layouts with much shorter waiting
CentiLeo Chat:
R25 Asset Browser And Textures
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 13, 2021 11:57
Here it's better to connect Emission to Primary material slot, the other reflective material should go to Secondary material slot. The Primary Amount slot should be connected with bitmap that describes Emission mask.
Also the Viewport Color should connect not a material but a texture node (a bitmap or something else). It's for testing purposes in a viewport and you can check any texture node you want.
CentiLeo Chat:
R25 Asset Browser And Textures
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 12, 2021 16:32
3D220 wrote:
Is that possible in future releases to show bitmap nodes textures Preview in viewport? For example roughness maps and other? Like with standard c4d materials
It's possible even now if you are working with node-based materials. You simply need to connect your texture to the Viewport Color channel of CentiLeo Output material. By default nothing is connected there, not even diffuse.
CentiLeo Chat:
Transmission And Emission Maps
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 12, 2021 14:30
Ok, let me make an example for you, just very soon
CentiLeo Chat:
R25 Asset Browser And Textures
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 12, 2021 14:29
Hi, by default these assets don't work because they appear using specific Cinema 4D paths, they are not like existing file paths. But these assets can be used because they have file ids. The only way to launch these assets is to go to CentiLeo Hardware settings. You may find link in render settings or in common Cinema Preferences. There you will see the checkboxes for GPUs that are used and the Texture File Cache folder. By default the texture caches are stored together with original files (like JPGs in your win explorer), but you may change and store the texture caches in the common single folder, please select this option and choose the folder path. If you do this the virtual files from Asset Browser will create the caches in this common cache folder and they will work correctly in new CentiLeo version.
CentiLeo Chat:
Transmission And Emission Maps
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 11, 2021 23:46
Hi! It would be better if you show an example of what isn't working.
You may add your image mask to the weight of transmission channel. Emission doesn't have the weight. But if you use CentiLeo node-based materials you can make a Mix Material and connect your image mask to the primary amount, then connect Emission to primary material, then connect reflections to secondary material of MixMat. This way the image mask will control the visibility of Emission.
You may also recreate this node setup in old-style materials if you create a multi-material and plug Emission and Reflection materials there
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for C4D s25, CentiLeo for C4D s25
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 5, 2021 12:38
Done :)
CentiLeo Chat:
Problem with textures in render, Problem with textures in render
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 2, 2021 18:15
Sure, use CentiLeo materials. We have implemented the CentiLeo nodespace, they are node-based same as native Cinema materials. The native C4D materials are not yet supported because not all their features are corresponding 1:1 with our materials. But later this will be fixed.
CentiLeo Chat:
Problem with textures in render, Problem with textures in render
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 2, 2021 16:39
Hi Kordian! Please upload a file here. I can't open your computer :)
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for C4D s25, CentiLeo for C4D s25
Administrator  Posts: 950
Sep 28, 2021 15:48
Kordian wrote:
hello! when CentiLeo will comes on C4d S25? greetings
Hello Kordian and welcome here! Pretty soon, I had to do it earlier, but was stuck with some complex development things. I think it will be released this or early next week :)
CentiLeo Chat:
como renderizo el pelo
Administrator  Posts: 950
Sep 19, 2021 11:55
Hello and welcome to CentiLeo page!
Actually native hair and spline rendering from Cinema 4D is not yet implemented, but it will be released in 0.66 version. This is quite soon because currently 0.65 is under active development.
As a workaround for today, I have seen Aleksey Voznesenski was using hair in CentiLeo renderer using some tool, see his example here

Also, for future, please write in English here, at least with a google translator. The website is currently only english-speaking and it will be convenient to search for information if all communicate in one language :)

Best reards,
CentiLeo Chat:
No exclude function in rendering?
Administrator  Posts: 950
Sep 16, 2021 13:34
Thanks LU! More or less I understand this. I will test Composite tag more to do something like this.
CentiLeo Chat:
No exclude function in rendering?
Administrator  Posts: 950
Sep 14, 2021 06:51
Hi LU! So you want to exclude an object from alpha channel image but not from beauty image using an object tag?
Actually there is no currently such functionality, but exclusion system and lighting / shadow excludes/includes are planned. I know how to do them now in genereal and collect user experiences. They can be implemented in a different way. I would appreciate if you would advise the most convenient examples.
CentiLeo Chat:
My wishes for CentiLeo
Administrator  Posts: 950
Sep 3, 2021 05:10
Oh in node-based mode CentiLeo has differernt name for Ramp, it's Gradient actually. The Gradient node has no integrated patterns, but it has the Input Map which may accept other nodes as patterns. Also the knots of this node can accept other nodes too.
CentiLeo Chat:
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