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CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.471 available (quality & materials improvement)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jan 3, 2017 12:58
play boy wrote:
the CentiLeo is the magic!

Hi Play boy! Your pics are nicer and nicer and continuation is needed :)
It seems reflection highlights are ok now. The eyes are cool!

I remember about the promise to do "Illuminate shadow catcher" option. Will do it for sure.
Based on this pic we aslo need very much natural hair geometry render and corresponding shaders.

Right now we are working on multi-GPU - this is an essential part to go out of our current "toy" status.
CentiLeo Chat:
Tests from Anton Bessonov
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jan 1, 2017 13:16
Sup Sup wrote:
Can you send me the file ?
Hi Sup, but Anton doesn't share his scene. He tested CentiLeo with it and has shown few pics. Don't worry we will implement procedural normal map flakes
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.471 available (quality & materials improvement)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 31, 2016 11:33
play boy wrote:
Merry Christmas dear Kirgman !!!
Thanks a lot Playboy :) Wish you good holydays!

New small release 0.471 with a few bugfixes related to noise. Bump mapping become faster for polished reflections. I like it, and hope you like too.

Happy New Year from CentiLeo!
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for 3ds Max 0.471 available (quality & materials improvement)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 31, 2016 11:23
Thanks and here is reply:

Released 0.471 with few fixes primarilly related to noise reduction.

Happy New Year! :)
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.471 available (quality & materials improvement)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 24, 2016 22:41
Rodrigo Bitencourt Rodrigues wrote:
Hi guys! How I can set the value of displacement? I have a bitmap input but I dont have a unit of scale(like c4d displacement), It can be done per material or only globally? sorry my poor english.
Hi Rodrigo! The measurement values shoult yet be implemented properly in our renderer.
Right now displacement is tuned inside cntlTexture which is attached to displacement slot of Multi Material. However, currently displacement mapping is still in progress. It has problems in animation, some times looses triangles and tesselates slowly (tesselation happens only in the first iteration of render). But it has potential to become a perfect solution even for vector displacements in the future.
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for 3ds Max 0.471 available (quality & materials improvement)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 24, 2016 21:47
Hello everyone!

Merry Christmas to those celebrating it today!

CentiLeo 0.47 alpha for 3ds Max 2014-2017 is available.

It has a lot of quality improvements. Post-processing contrast adds nice image feeling. While most work was spent for material behavior improvement and bugfixing. Really many things were polished in cntl std material.

Download here:

Recommendation to increase render speed:

Shaderball scene:

Light lister script by Ali Kavyani:

Change Log: cntlmax 0.471 alpha (2016 Dec 31)

[core] Improved render speed for scenes with many lights and rough reflections
[core] Improved render speed for bump mapping on polished surfaces (with roughness close to zero)
[core] Fixed fireflies in few situtations
[cntlmax] Fixed crash when click “View Image” in cntlTexture and go up.

Change Log: cntlmax 0.470 alpha (2016 Dec 25)

[core] Added post-processing contrast setting. 0.5 by default, it makes the image more realistic
[core] cntlStdMaterial: glossyness usage as alternative to roughness (if checked then roughness is replaced with glossyness and treated accordingly).
[core] cntlStdMaterial: weight*color mixing mode similar to other engines
[core] cntlFalloff: parallel falloff mode
[core] Faster many-bounce internal reflections inside complex glass object.
[core] Roughness remapping. Now all the range 0..1 is more interesting unlike before when most interesting values were close to zero.
[core] Many bugfixes for material behavior when roughness is changed. Now the highlights are changing smoothly for small change of roughness.
[core] Fixes environment map brightness when seen through reflection
[cntlmax] Post-process can be performed when render is paused

Enjoy rendering with CentiLeo and share your opinion!

CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.471 available (quality & materials improvement)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 24, 2016 16:45
Hello everyone!

We did it for Catholic Christmas! Like a presen from Santa. 8)
Merry Christmas to those celebrating it today!

CentiLeo 0.47 alpha for Cinema 4D R16-R18 is available.

It has a lot of quality improvements. Post-processing contrast adds nice image feeling. While most work was spent for material behavior improvement and bugfixing. Really many things were polished in cntl std material.

Download here:

Recommendation to increase render speed:

Download shaderball:

User manual updated fro 0.44: User Manual - cntlc4d-0.44alpha_en.pdf

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.471 alpha (2016 Dec 31)

[core] Improved render speed for scenes with many lights and rough reflections
[core] Improved render speed for bump mapping on polished surfaces (with roughness close to zero)
[core] Fixed fireflies in few situtations

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.470 alpha (2016 Dec 24)

[core] Added post-processing contrast setting. 0.5 by default, it makes the image more realistic
[core] cntlStdMaterial: glossyness usage as alternative to roughness (if checked then roughness is replaced with glossyness and treated accordingly).
[core] cntlStdMaterial: weight*color mixing mode similar to other engines
[core] cntlFalloff: parallel falloff mode
[core] Faster many-bounce internal reflections inside complex glass object.
[core] Roughness remapping. Now all the range 0..1 is more interesting unlike before when most interesting values were close to zero.
[core] Many bugfixes for material behavior when roughness is changed. Now the highlights are changing smoothly for small change of roughness.
[core] Fixes environment map brightness when seen through reflection
[C4D plugin] Post-process can be performed when render is paused
[C4D plugin] Fixed crash when shader is attached to shader slot
[C4D plugin] Few bugfixes for animation recording (however some objects like spheres need to undergo the command “Current state to object”). This part of renderer will be soon improved even further.

Enjoy rendering with CentiLeo and tell you opinion!

CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.462 available (few bugfixes)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 21, 2016 15:15
Konstantinos Despotis wrote:
Wow so quick! thanx! Can't wait to play!
:) Haven't yet updated the version because still digging in the bugs, such as not very smooth shadow change when changing roughness of transmission. One similar but very subtle problem with reflection roughness, etc.
Hope to do it asap and then move to further improvements.
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.462 available (few bugfixes)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 19, 2016 09:08
Konstantinos Despotis, I have fixed that bug when jumping 0.01 to 0.011. It was a stupid mistake :)

Now the roughness works like this: animated roughness from 0 to 1 (no bug and better mapping):

This is anumation of IOR changing from 1 to 4 (when become large it looks more like a metall):

Will upload it today deep evening or tomorrow together with some other fixes
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.462 available (few bugfixes)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 19, 2016 03:12
play boy wrote:
cheers!the light tag is an ART!

by the way,shadow catcher was not working with HDRI map light(just AO left) or i misunderstanding something.
Yes, it's true. This is actually correct, because the shadow catcher plane shows photo of HDRI which is considered to be lit by itself already. That's why we why we don't add light to the plane again. What you call AO is GI. Other lights illumination is added btw. E.g. you may add infinite light with cntl tag to tune light you want.
But I also want to add the option 'Illuminate shadow catcher' to any light source and also to Hdri so that it will be able to break few rules/physics
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.462 available (few bugfixes)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 18, 2016 12:34
Konstantinos Despotis, thank you a lot for upload! I notices what you are talking about. Indeed it's a bug that is clearly visible on your shaderball (I guess it's from Corona :)
In our few test scenes the lighting conditions haven't given so obvious picture of this bug.

The roughness should be not linear. I will test it face-to-face with other engines in order to calibrate it better.
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.462 available (few bugfixes)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 17, 2016 16:59
Kirgman wrote:
when I load a colour correction shader and fr om there I try to load a bitmap C4D freezes
before I fix it the workaround is to attache cntlBitmap where you want and then instead of it place the cntlColorCorrect :) And the new cntlColorCorrect will get old cntlBitmap as a child. With the same approach all the other shader replacements are working. Old shaders become children of new shaders by default.
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.462 available (few bugfixes)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 17, 2016 16:55
Konstantinos Despotis wrote:
They are connected with PCI express 16x all 7 of them, they are all cut to single slot manually and watercooled.
Wow, this is super cool system!
Konstantinos Despotis wrote:
I noticed that when I load a colour correction shader and fr om there I try to load a bitmap C4D freezes.
Confirm too, just reproduced.
Konstantinos Despotis wrote:
It would be nice to be able to dock the ipr window
support for native c4d shaders (noises etc) even if baked and also the ability to copy paste channels in the same way as in C4D
This is in our plans for sure. But can't start working on it before we do multi GPU and improve displacement and hair. Also need full support of native TextureTag.
We also need to improve own procedural shaders.

Konstantinos Despotis wrote:
there is something wrong with the reflection and the reflection weight also the roughness needs different scaling, at 0.1 it is already too much, look below it seems at 0.1 roughness the weight plays no role anymore, neither does ior, only if I bring the diffuse weight down to 0.5-0.7 the diffuse looks normal, but then If i raise the ior the material gets much darker and in the corners wh ere it should be brighter because of reflection it gets darker, it is confusing, and I know how to make good materials in Vray, Octane and all the rest of the renderers out there so it should be easier for me unless I'm missing something. Edit:It happens between 0.01 and 0.011 or more, it jumps to more than it should I think it is a bug?
I agree about the range of roughness. Should remap it. Currently the idea is to map current roughness=0.5 to new rougness=1. What do you think?

It seems there is bug and need more clarifications. I mean
Edit:It happens between 0.01 and 0.011 or more,
Please can you share your test scene where the error is clearly visible?

E.g. in 2nd and 3rd images you have roughness 0.1 but when you have Weight = 1 and IOR like 1.4 then this value of IOR produces increased weight at surfaces with orientation close to 0 degree and decreases weight for surfaces oriented towards the viewer at 90deg. However when you increase IOR up to 20 or 100 then there should be uniform reflection under any angle of view.
But when you decrease the Weight then it scales down what is given by IOR. E.g. on you 3rd image you have increased IOR to 20 (it's everywhere almost a mirror). But the weight is 0.2. So there is 20% mirror and the rest is for Diffuse.

I have played in our test shaderball, it seems to be working as planned.

CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.462 available (few bugfixes)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 17, 2016 08:47
Konstantinos Despotis wrote:
I'm just waiting for the multi gpu support (since I've got 7x1080's in one machine and 3x Titan X's on another)
How they are connected with the Mobo? Based on practice CentiLeo out-of-core geometry is best working with PCI express x8 or x16 Gen 2 or higher.
PCI Express Gen3 has 2x better bandwidth and is very cool. E.g. PCIEx x4 Gen3 should be like PCIEx x8 Gen2.
I also think that connections with PCIEx x2 or even x1 are not very good for heavy geometry scenes that exceed VRAM a lot. They will work but not so well as fat PCI express channel
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for 3ds Max 0.462 available
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 17, 2016 08:42
So you didn't increased the number of ray bounces to get the picture on the left? :)
CentiLeo Chat:
3dsmax Lightlister script
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 17, 2016 08:39
The lister is already very usefull for developer tests of lighting. Much easier than working with general Max list. Will post the link to one friend
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.462 available (few bugfixes)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 17, 2016 07:13
Hi Konstantinos and welcome to our board!
What you are talking about is in our plans and we try to make it asap. Hair support will appear earlier than Node based editor in C4D.

We have light mixer btw, see examples from version for Max:

In C4D it's working the same.
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.462 available (few bugfixes)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 16, 2016 17:36
Known issue:

Still have to fix the problems with animation recording. It's quite a task which will lead to very cool results and optimized scene load to renderer for each successive frame. Will be ready soon.
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.462 available (few bugfixes)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 16, 2016 17:26
Hello everyone!

Now CentiLeo 0.462 alpha for Cinema 4D R16-R18 is available.

Download here:

Recommendation to increase render speed:

Download shaderball:

User manual updated fro 0.44: User Manual - cntlc4d-0.44alpha_en.pdf

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.462 alpha (2016 Dec 16)

[core] Now the glass is created by setting only transmission.weight to 1 and you don’t
need to disable default Diffuse.weight to 0. According to new convention the weight of
transmission layer overrides diffuse. If you want to mix transmission and diffuse then you
should to make transmission weight less than 1. This is similar to other engines.
[core] Fixed incorrect glass rendering with IOR values larger than 1. And now it looks
much more beautiful.
[core] Fixed “black highlight” bug in subtle rough reflections.
[core] Fixed issue which caused slow render when there are many light sources with crazy
different areas and intensities.
[core] Added option “Contribute to only GI” to the light sources which helps to add more
indirect light to interiors without increasing the number of ray bounces. Increases the
speed of interior rendering, flicker-free, similar to portals accelerator for GI.
[C4D plugin] The camera (from CentiLeo menu) is created with position and orientation of
the current camera.
[C4D plugin] Default environment color is used if there are no any light sources in the

Please test it and give your feedback!
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for 3ds Max 0.462 available
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 16, 2016 13:31
Updated till 0.462, please see ther first message
CentiLeo Chat:
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