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Status of preparing CentiLeo 0.48 alpha
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jan 20, 2017 07:38
Hello everyone!

Need to post how things are going since there are now news from us for 3 weeks already :)

We are working on many improvements including further noise reduction, multi-GPU, nicer material reflection look and nicer tone mapping.
E.g. the open question is whethere GGX reflection will be added or not and when we will finish multi-GPU. Hope to do it ASAP.

Few pictures about development in progress:

These are 15 min renders with scenes complex illumination interior with HDR lighting coming through 3 windows. HDR map has sharp bright sun drawn in it.
Windows have lattice to make obstacles.
The other 3 light sources are covered by some geometry: 2 lights covered by glass vases (on the left) and another one is covered by cylinder on the right.

Comparison presents "Another GPU engine", old CentiLeo 0.47 and current 0.48. Everywhere portals for windows are used, 6 GI bounces, and other settings are tuned for better performance in both engines. One 970 GTX is used for these tests.
Materials and shaders have the same complexity stucture in both engines, same amount of textures but the colors of floor and furniture are slightly different.

CentiLeo 0.48:

CentiLeo 0.47:

"Another GPU engine":
CentiLeo Chat:
amazing progress in noise reduction,fantastic work.

My vote is adding GGX just the problem of GGX in my opinion is when rough=0.6 or greater looks very very rough and useless.
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jan 21, 2017 09:22
Sure Ali, I also have noticed that after roughness = 0.6 or maybe 0.7 the values are useless also because of some energy loss.
One option for us is to re-scale the input roughness by 0.6. But the final decision will be after adding GGX, because the highlights should look different with it.
CentiLeo Chat:
Congratulations...we can see very nice details in dark areas and the colors are nicely rendered.
Very nice work !
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jan 25, 2017 16:50
Gael LE GOLVAN wrote:
Congratulations...we can see very nice details in dark areas and the colors are nicely rendered.
Very nice work !

Thanks Gael! Yes, dark regions are rendered better now. This is also important for further post work based on outputted image layers.
Also it is possible to enable one "fake" feature that helps rendering darks even better. The light sources have the checkbox "contribute to GI only". If checked then the light source contributes to GI only (i.e. to the secondary diffuse bounce) as you can see in the recent post by Ali

However, pictures in the current thread have no enabled "contrib to GI only".
CentiLeo Chat:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Feb 14, 2017 14:05
Some small internal progress, we have improved geometry data storage by around 30%. Now more polygons will fit into geometry cache and it is also good for "out-of-core" case.
Still working on the rest of the TODO list.
CentiLeo Chat:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Mar 6, 2017 10:46
Hello everybody!
Previously, I was too optimistic on release date. We worked very hard but still have few tasks to make 0.48 update finished.
Development is advancing very well, local results are very good and the speed and interactivity of the renderer are improved noticeably. Hope to publish CentiLeo 0.48 soon, I think it's a matter of week or so.
CentiLeo Chat:
Administrator  Posts: 950
Mar 15, 2017 09:18
#1 We had the manual trick with cache manipulation which allows to increase the render speed. Now this works automatically. This is needed for production mode in 3ds Max and for Picture Viewer in C4D.

#2 Now the renderer consumes the GPU memory not larger than available scene geometry needs + some rays cache (up to 1GB) + texture cache (up to 768MB). This fixes the problem reported by Aimar If there is more geometry than GPU memory then out-of-core comes in but now it is more efficient due to improved data transfer and data storage.

#3 In Multi-GPU system all the available memory of single GPU will be utilized. For example if you make the render of scene using one 4GB and one 8GB GPU then the first GPU will utilize up to 4GB of memory and the second GPU will utilize up to 8GB of memory. And the first GPU in the same render may use out-of-core operations while the second may use no OOC operations because of larger capacity.

#4 However there are still some details related to limiations that we need for robustness: if some GPU is very small like 1.5-2GB then it can accept up to 30M polygons and 100K mesh instances and if GPU has more than 4GB then it may accept up to 400M polygons and 1M mesh instances. All GPUs larger than 4GB have same limits.
If you combine 2 or more GPUs with different limitations in one scene render then the smallest limitation will apply for all other GPUs. The limits are quite high and will be higher one day.

But if all GPUs in the system have same limits then #3 will effectively work.

Still working on the other things, now on the part related to texture transfers to multiple GPUs and there is some fight between few features e.g.:
1) efficient texture cache utilization inside the bucket (needed for better speed increase due to more GPU)
2) image-space noise-driven adaptivity at low sample rates
CentiLeo Chat:
Very clever renderer !! congratulations ! don't stop !
i just bought the GTX 1080ti SLI render machine.
i think i could be of help for testing the new Muti-GPU function.
Don't stop dude~you are changing the world.
Administrator  Posts: 950
Mar 26, 2017 08:46
Thanks a lot for support!
play boy wrote:
i just bought the GTX 1080ti SLI render machine.
i think i could be of help for testing the new Muti-GPU function.
Btw, how many GPUs in machine?
1080ti should be exceptionally good for rendering!
CentiLeo Chat:
Kirgman wrote:
Thanks a lot for support!
play boy wrote:
i just bought the GTX 1080ti SLI render machine.
i think i could be of help for testing the new Muti-GPU function.
Btw, how many GPUs in machine?
1080ti should be exceptionally good for rendering!
over 7000 GPUs.
yes super fast for rendering.
Administrator  Posts: 950
Mar 27, 2017 06:31
Wow!! 7000, personal renderfarm? :) How many GPUs in each machine?
CentiLeo Chat:
I think he means cuda cores,..!
Kirgman wrote:
Wow!! 7000, personal renderfarm? How many GPUs in each machine?
yes i mean cuda cores...LOL
Konstantinos Despotis wrote:
I think he means cuda cores,..!

It's been sometime! :) How is the multicore going? Please give us an update on current status and keep up the good work!
Administrator  Posts: 950
Apr 28, 2017 10:00
Konstantinos Despotis wrote:

It's been sometime! How is the multicore going? Please give us an update on current status and keep up the good work!
Hi Konstantinos! Practically done, I hope to post it within few days :). Very few small issues/bugs must be solved before that. Need to collect memory garbage when we switch on/off multiple times the threads for multi-GPU, also need to make Picture Viewer working (it was broken), and need to tune some params.
CentiLeo Chat:
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