Need to post how things are going since there are now news from us for 3 weeks already

We are working on many improvements including further noise reduction, multi-GPU, nicer material reflection look and nicer tone mapping.
E.g. the open question is whethere GGX reflection will be added or not and when we will finish multi-GPU. Hope to do it ASAP.
Few pictures about development in progress:
These are 15 min renders with scenes complex illumination interior with HDR lighting coming through 3 windows. HDR map has sharp bright sun drawn in it.
Windows have lattice to make obstacles.
The other 3 light sources are covered by some geometry: 2 lights covered by glass vases (on the left) and another one is covered by cylinder on the right.
Comparison presents "Another GPU engine", old CentiLeo 0.47 and current 0.48. Everywhere portals for windows are used, 6 GI bounces, and other settings are tuned for better performance in both engines. One 970 GTX is used for these tests.
Materials and shaders have the same complexity stucture in both engines, same amount of textures but the colors of floor and furniture are slightly different.
CentiLeo 0.48:
CentiLeo 0.47:
"Another GPU engine":