Nobody wrote:
Hi. When i create a Centileo Material (mind you render settings are set to Centileo), it won't let me open it in the nodespace at all. Only materials that are in your example scene will open in it. Also yes there is "Nodes" in the upper right tab of C4D but then what?
1) At first select CentiLeo node space or select CentiLeo in render settings
2) Create New Node Material using Ctrl+Alt+N or menu in material editor
3) Or Create New Node Material using top level C4D menu -> CentiLeo -> Material
Hello Any and welcome here! I hope to release the new version approximatelly in a month. There will be a lot of bugfixes, bloom, LUTs and AOV masks.
Please use at least auto-translated English input here
Hi there! I still haven't looked because I was busy with the other bugfixes and currently I am in the hospital for a short time. I will get back to the issue next week
Hi rush.a and welcome to CentiLeo! Thanks for good words! I think the reason of difference is that in case of CentiLeo there is only Emission property, while in case of Octane there is Emission + Diffuse mix. Probably Octane Emission is implemented with some slight amount of diffuse property. Please try to combine Emission with Diffuse material using MixMaterial and see what happens.
Can you please share this scene with me? E.g. you can send a link to As for scene I mean a setup with textures that always crashes and doing 7 minute first pixel loads.
Fortunatelly I have 1070GTX to test with. This GPU isn't small, it has very nice amount of memory and in our design CentiLeo shouldn't crash because of low VRAM. But we could get some logical programming bug that's doing a problem.
Sure finding good or bad things from your detailed point of view would be very helpful. In the near future I plan to implement more features to make the engine more user friendly and will slightly postpone some hard-core render optimizations that I love very much . The approximate basic plan of work is here Also need to make critical bugfixes, but there are not so much of them. My goal is to not overload the engine settings with a lot of purely technical parameters and rules that are very hard to explain to beginners. Ideally the parameters should be creative and respond for graphics look, but sometimes there is still an inevitable need to make some toggle "Importance Sampling" on/off and encourage a user for experiments.
The forum may accept drag&drop images right into the "Reply form" when you drag and move the images on top of it. Up to 10Mb or so per image. Once the images are loaded you may select a place in your message by mouse left button click and later click on one of uploaded image to place it to the selected point, e.g. within a table cell.
However we will probably need to upgrade the website engine because this one is quite old already.
Hi DM50, the log is from Max, not from CentiLeo. Let me know about the scene parameters? It can be just a stupid proramming bug or in the other potential case this can be CPU RAM or Disc space overflow. For example, how much RAM / Disc space do you have? What's a GPU?
How many bitmap textures? Bitmap textures produce the texture caches and it can be possible they can occupy the disc.
7 minutes seems to be too high for the first pixel. It can be either thousands of texture files with cache generation or it can be some kind of 4 billion unique polygons with a GPU such as RTX 3080. Please, tell me more about the structure of you scene, I am interested in the bug investigation.
CentiLeo 0.65: Interior Here is the interior render: 32M triangles, 15GB textures, the lighting from outside of room, 2 x RTX3080 10GB VRAM.
Rendering Performance: 2560x1440 image, 32 render iterations (2048 samples), the Motobike render kernel: 24M samples/second, 5:20min for the first image and 5:50 for the second, and then it’s denoised to kill the small residual noise. The Bulldozer kernel renders 32 iterations in 8 min, the noise is lower, but under denoiser it’s killed same way.
Hello Saihan and welcome to CentiLeo forum!
Thanks for sharing your nice picture with us! I am fan of Lego too, and now will go and play with my sons with their Lego 51515 Robot Inventor
I may recommend you to see the manual for Cinema 4D that describes our functionality. It's in English but there are the screenshots. And I will also publish the shaderball scene for c4d with some examples.
Hi Raphael! First of all thanks for bug report! Potentially fixing it can be useful even for using CentiLeo without combining with any other GPU engines.
The issue is with GPU initialization at the stage when we get the list of all available GPUs. I have some ideas about this and hope the experiments will help.
It would be certainly interesting to see results of your experiments with CentiLeo and get the feedback about the current amount of issues. There are some known issues such as dockable IPR window, a lovely feature of C4D. But there could be some other issues that need extra attention.
Don't know what to do with a forum message cutoff, maybe that was some rare accident that we can't reproduce with the tests.
Btw, it's possible to run CentiLeo and Octane at the same time. Just launch 2 Interactive Previews and they should work. I have tested this around a year ago and it was going without crashes.
As for Redshift there were problems on their side. RS didn't like when one other renderer is working at the same time in the same Cinema 4D launch, either Octane or CentiLeo. But this was true in the past and I don't know if anything changes until now.
It's a coinsidence I was watching just yesterday on your FB page the charts about Octane speed evolution for different versions starting from 3.08 and up until now. Thanks for this valuable information that makes me more calm
In fact I become curious about what's going on with the subject question. In the past I was working for this not to happen when the renderer itself is not doing anything. Even if you don't launch it but tune CentiLeo materials with their preview performing some activity then it would take around 100Mb.
One explanation is that modern GPU driver may take some resources on the first call to get the list of available GPUs and then reserve this for some reason.
I will check this. In my case the the RTX 3080 reports only around 7.5GB when I just launch Cinema 4D without CentiLeo. I thought it is some OS memory reduction.
If you want to create the gradient from bottom to top of the object without using texture UVW mapping then the receipe would be the following:
1) create the uvwProjection node with XYZ projection method
2) create Pattern node with linearY pattern type and connect uvwProjection to Pattern.inputUVW. This way you will get greyscale gradient.
3) create Ramp node as you did and connect the former node output to it's input map.
As for glass material you may attach the resulting node to Transmission Color or Absorption Color. Also you may variate the absorption distance with a texture